Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bugged Dresser?

Has anyone had the dresser in this building eat their stuff? On my current game, playing as a low strength character, I stored my loot from the Germantown Police HQ after rescuing Red and Shorty in this dresser so I could finish other business before coming back for it.

After returning to collect my loot and transport it to my house, I discovered my stuff missing. When looking at the dresser, it does not say [EMPTY] underneath it, but when I open it there are no items inside. In my notes I wrote that I had a fat man, 10mm pistol and misc. ammo in it. I checked everyone in Big Town and none of them have it in their inventory.

Using the console command "showinventory" on it gives the following output:
Dresser (00063B35) has 1 items:
2 - (000199B5)

--Jimnms 06:54, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
