Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Thomas Moore=Michael Moore?[]

Does Thomas Moore bear any resemblance to Michael Moore? They both are portrayed nearly similar about the unjustice of society.

Edit: Sorry I just realised that Michael Moore is mentioned in the article.

Also, Thomas Moore is not a talking head, so he really can't look much like Michael.--Superluser 06:24, 6 July 2007 (UTC)

Thomas More[]

It sucks that Thomas Moore isn't a reference to Thomas More. See, Thomas More was a statesman who opposed Henry VIII's claims to be the head of the church in England. He is associated very closely with the only bishop to oppose Henry VIII, John Fisher.

So Thomas More is closely associated with a Bishop named John.--Superluser 06:24, 6 July 2007 (UTC)

Nasty little letter[]

After having a bit of fun at Moores expense in Vault City I finally agreed to do a bit of treason and bring his briefcase to the Bishops. Would you beileve the little rat had sneaked in a note decrying me as untrustworthy?! Don't rightly know what brings about this turn, but I believe it is triggered by first mocking Moore and then repenting and taking his briefcase. 19:42, October 23, 2014 (UTC)KEE

Stark's hostility[]

I don't know the exact specifics of this bug, but in my game talking to Moore at all (even just to tell him goodbye) makes Stark hostile next time you see him. I have a save right before talking to Moore, and Stark is fine, he only attacks after talking to Moore. Has anyone else encountered this?User signature henioo henioo (da talk page) 20:38, June 25, 2018 (UTC)

Actually, scratch that. It seems to be some kind of unrelated Stark bug. He attacks if I get too close to him for some reason, and talking to Moore or not has no effect. User signature henioo henioo (da talk page) 20:41, June 25, 2018 (UTC)