Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Display bug?[]

On PC (10/27/2015), the Pip-Boy description says this gives +19 HP per second, regardless of Survival skill, but this seems to be totally wrong. Tested with Logan's Loophole, Chemist, and Day Tripper, with 100 Survival and 63/325 health. If it healed 19 HP/sec, it should take less than 15 seconds to heal to full. Instead, it took over a minute, which is consistent with 4 HP/sec.

UPDATE: I've discovered what's wrong. In the GECK, the item has two effects:

1. "Increased Health" 15 pts for 240 secs 2. "Restore Health" 4 pts for 30 secs

(Note it's not marked as a Food or Medicine item, so it is unaffected by Survival or Medicine.)

The in-game description seems to get confused by having both effects, and it adds the two numbers together to display "+19 HP (30s)". I modded the "Increased Health" effect to add only 4 HP, and the in-game description changed to "+8 HP (30s)". So it indeed looks like a display bug. The same thing appears to apply to Blood Sausage, Black Blood Sausage, and Thin Red Paste.

Bottom line: These items are unaffected by Survival and don't heal what they say they do in-game. The in-game descriptions (+35 HP/sec for Black Blood Sausage, +19 HP/sec for Thick Red Paste) are bugged. The current Wiki entries are correct (+10 HP/sec for Black Blood Sausage, +4 HP/sec for Thick Red Paste).
