Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Except for a high population of trogs and alower than normal itemization, I found nothing worth noting in this entire area. It may have an exit to Uptown, but I was not able to find a switch to open the door above the stairs in the last room I reached. Given that there was a Protectron I could enable in the second last room, I am guessing there is an entrance from the Uptown side that I haven't stumbled onto yet, and you can come at it from the other direction. (Nothing for the Protectron to do if you enter from teh Steelyard side, since you clear them out from that direction.) Kreistor -- 19:11, 26 March 2009 (UTC)

The Uptown entrance is near Haven, to the left of the Haven door, across the street from the abandoned apartments. There's a small room with some loot (first aid kits, lots of beer and jet), a makeshift stage, and a workbench. That room seems to have the cellar door to the underground proper (and you can see the tunnels on the local map), but there doesn't seem to be a way to open it from this side either.


-- 02:49, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

The door from the underground to haven is opened if you do Werhner's quest and closed the flood lights.

A friend of mine assisted Werhner and got the door open, but it was closed again on a second visit. The power switch no longer operated. If anyone saved after assisting Werhner, could they just jump back and check the door? (Fastest way is to fast travel to Haven and go through the door to the workshop.) Kreistor -- 20:34, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

I'll check it out, just a minute... BrenMan 94 15:07, 22 May 2009 (UTC)


I appreciate the effort it took to write and research this article, but it needs to be cleaned up. The information is excellent, but needs to be moved to a more professional third-person point-of-view.

I may edit this article later after I'm done cleaning up the main quests for The Pitt. --Dthvirus 21:10, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

I removed the first person POV and cleaned up the article just a bit. Should be much more professional looking, now. 6101 Sinful Monument 17:30, 10 April 2009 (UTC)
