Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I'm part of the brotherhood and Brandis was instantly hostile to me. Can't seem to figure out why...--Scopatore (talk) 02:19, November 17, 2015 (UTC)

Captain Kells told me he awarded me a suit of armor for completing this mission but only two power armor are on the deck and both says "steal" :/ 16:37, November 17, 2015 (UTC)

It's not Power Armor, he gives you a BOS combat armor chest piece I believe. --Scopatore (talk) 06:17, November 18, 2015 (UTC)

no reward from brandis (pc)[]

I passed the speech checks in theta bunker, convinced Brandis to return to BoS. Upon talking to him on the Prydwen, he thanks me but I didn't recieve the survivor special.

Same issue here. He just stands around complaining about the piss-poor quality of initiates compared to when he was young. And those brats have to get off his damn lawn. I spoke with him during the Tour of Duty quest.

Same here, and I am playing on PS4. It seems this is a universal bug.

Stage 66[]

Is there any benefit to completing the optional objective eg. additional experience??
