Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I am on the Xbox One and this will not begin. Mariner will say a series of one liners. I have done her fetch quest and finished the main quest line with all three factions surviving. --Revan's Exile (talk) 15:38, August 6, 2016 (UTC)

Wasteland whisperer[]

Is it possible to subdue and capture?

Follower causes black screen?[]

Okay, just did this a second time and the screen blacked out. But I had a follower (Nick) that I didn't dismiss. Anyone test this to see if this happens if you have a follower with you? Field Marshall Phoenix Hawk, CO 41st Corsairs RCT (The Black Hawks) (talk) 07:45, November 16, 2017 (UTC)

I just took this quest. I have not finished the main quest - haven't even set foot at the Nucleus yet. Had Dog and Longfellow as companions. Set foot on the boat, left the dock, got Mariner's messages and a black screen with compass at bottom. Tried v.a.t.s and horizon appeared and I was on an invisible boat in the middle of the ocean with the target still a long ways away. Tried quest again, dismissing Longfellow, and got same result. Tried again dismissing both Longfellow and Dog, and got same result. Playing with bug-fixing mod on pc but apparently, this one is either not included or quite tenacious. Shenachie (talk) 00:49, October 21, 2018 (UTC)
