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what happens if i killed vulptes inculta, can i get the quest from someone else

Dialog Choices[]

I added the necessary dialog choices to get I Put a Spell on You from Vulpes. Figured some people might miss them, thinking (as i did first time through) that revealing one's Legion allegiance to an NCR spy was maybe a bad idea.--Mister Twist 23:43, October 30, 2011 (UTC)

Damn- got caught out exactly thus! Of course- reveal to the agent that actually she is working for her enemy. Of course that is what Vulpes wants you to do! :( :( :(

Hostility glitch?[]

So I saved Martina through the speech option, the Omertas backed down, I told Martina why I was there, that I work for the Legion etc., I leave the vault, in the lobby there's an NCR Military Police officer with a cattleprod who begins attacking me on sight. Not wanting to cause more NPCs to become hostile with me I decided to run straight out the building, two more joined in and all three gave chase, none of the Securitons reacted at all.

So I pass the gate and get into the second segment of the strip (Ultra-Luxe, Tops, Monorail station), I didn't know if I was still being chased by the NCR guys because I wasn't looking backwards, but all of a sudden all the Securitrons are attacking me! I had to use about five Stimpacks and a Doctor's Bag just to close the gap between me and the next gate in half. In the first segment now (Lucky 34, Gomorrah) Securitrons are still hostile, I luckily manage to avoid getting heavily damaged and make it to the gate to Freeside. On the other side of the gate, the Securitron Gatekeepers aren't hostile at all, and I fast-travel from Freeside back to the Fort to finish the quest.

Is this hostility quest related? Is it because I revealed my Legion allegiance? Or is it simply because someone from the embassy saw me go into Vault 21 and pursued me (due to me being vilified by the NPC ever since the "Camp Forlorn Hope Massacre")? Does that explain why the Securitrons attacked me?

I just had a similar experience, where the NCR MP showed up after the Omertas and attacks for no reason. "Nobody fucks with the NCR." I think it's very unusual because my reputation with the NCR is Liked. As far as I can tell I've only received minor NCR Infamy once (from Lenk's Bad Debts compared to the earning Fame fourteen times.
I reloaded an earlier save and apparently this chap appears regardless of whether you reach the Omertas or not. I think you're right, it's probably a soldier from the Embassy. If you Google that phrase you can see other people having similar problems. -Adam weiler (talk) 20:15, July 14, 2013 (UTC)

Killing Vulpes[]

Is it possible to still get this quest if you killed Vulpes earlier in the story? --ShadowDark959 (talk) 12:55, January 22, 2017 (UTC)