Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Admin name[]

Anyone else notice that the admin name (most likely installed by the raiders) is "Fuck you?" at this locations turrent control under system information?

" RobcOS v,85 (C)2076 RobCo


>> Administrator (RoboCoID 2398-H) >> New_Admin: F*** YOU Welcome new user, F* YOU >> New_Targeting_Param: >>> F*** YOU_userGroup"

Does this vary per location, hack attempt, ect? Iv seen other users of notable names (though forgot said notable) and wondered if this means players can find a spot to put in a predefined category so turrets do not attack them. Any ideas? 20:56, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Every 'New_Admin' I can recall seeing is like that, everywhere. --DarkJeff 21:17, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
Anywhere that raiders have taken control of a building and have subverted the turret systems so that the guns leave the raiders alone, you're going to see that user information in the log. LoneWanderer 05:04, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Either a stupid or brilliant question, do you think it vary's by gang? 05:49, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

Do the Molerats respawn? I've ony killed 6. the mole rats do not re-spawn. i have used tepid sewers as my home and have only had to kill the raiders and mole rats one time. Although the ones at the entrance by Anchorage Memorial have re-spawned twice.
