Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is the title supposed to be spelled with two n's? --MercZ 07:14, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

No it shouldn't. It should be renamed/delete and recreated - Ashran111 05:22, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

Where are these audio clips?[]

I looked under "sound\voice\fallout3.esm" where all the character voices seem to be, but I couldn't find anything like "maleuniquedj." Did I totally miss it, or do the "Tenpenny Radio" mods simply contain fan-made audio of people reading these quotes?

Don't look in the .bsa. Look in the geck, there is a quest RadioTenpenny. You'll find everything there, under the radio tab. If you really want to browse the .bsa there is no maleuniqueDJ, it is in fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueTenpenny--Croquignol (talk) 18:23, February 19, 2013 (UTC)
