Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Okay I deleted it but somebody put it back on there. The random encounter doesn't happen UNTIL the Temple is abandoned or eradicated. Then a random encounter will spawn inside but only then. Do you really think Bethesda would do that? 04:21, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

Hey it does happen,ive witnessed it with my own two eyes,also,its fun to watch the escaped slaves being massacred by a random creature,but a spawning glitch occured when i revisited the temple of the union there were a few feral ghouls and a mad brahmin there,pretty weird

That would be interesting anecdotal evidence if it weren't for the fact that feral ghouls aren't part of ANY random encounter. At all. In fact, as far as I know, the only place in which feral ghouls exist in the Wasteland is in Meresti Trainyard. That means either one of two things:
1) Your copy of the game has a monumental coding error.
2) You're making stuff up.
--PwnzerfaustMonk 15:48, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

The first one is most likely,due to the fact that the laptop i run fallout 3 on is a bit odd Werewolfhell 17:00, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

"In fact, as far as I know, the only place in which feral ghouls exist in the Wasteland is in Meresti Trainyard. That means either one of two things: " [UPDATE by TeraTorn: Feral Ghouls also in Denwich Building, probably other places too...]

They can come out of a sewer-type tunnel (its either in the back end of Greyditch or that place downtown where the ICBM is in a crater) and can also come out of the entrance to the metro near Bethesda Ruins.


I helped the slaves go to the lincoln memorial and now every time I go to TOU there is always 2 giant radscorps and (up to) 5 normal radscorpions. However if I fast travel there, there is usually a caravan there and I have to save his ass from the scorpions. Does this happen to anyone else?

With my evil guy, I joined the slavers when they massacred everyone at the temple. Crazy Wolfgang was nearby and decided to help the slaves and was killed for it.


I went here with just Clover. I spoke with Hannibal but i didn't got the key, and then, when i picked the lock, Clover started attacking me; if the door is open the slaves run away. She will chase you outside and attack with her sword until you kill her. If you talk to her she says something like "time to play rough". I didn't talk to Eulogy after killing her, so i don't know if you can tell him about the slaves in the temple. If you get the key from Hannibal you can't. Probably this should be removed from bugs list.

Re: Clover

I went here with Jericho and Dogmeat. When I pick the lock, Jericho becomes hostile and attacks me. He is the only one though. Dogmeat and the NPCs in TotU do not become hostile. I have reloaded my previous save several times and the same thing happens every time. Should this be listed as a bug on the page? Has this happened to anyone else with other followers? 23:05, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Charon also went aggro with me. Dogmeat doesn't though --Da PratstaWut? 15:36, July 29, 2012 (UTC)


anyone know where the name alejandra torres comes from? i think she said something about starting a school? she appeared in the caravan. --Dr. Clayton Forrestor 11:49, 28 January 2009 (UTC)


I've notice a Brahmim inside the Temple of Union. I guess it supply the food for the Runaway slave.... But when Hanibbal and the slaves reached the Lincoln Memmorial, the Brahmim is no where to be seem, niether in the memmorial nor in the temple. i think it din't make it as I spot a dead Brahmim next to a Giant Radscorpion duing my trip to the Regulator HQ Willy NOD 11:07, 22 February 2009 (UTC)user:Willy NOD

for me it survived (xbox 360). Ive seen them with the brahmin at the place where they wait downtown for you to clear them memorial.

It survived for me too (PC), though I haven't checked to see if it is still alive in the Lincoln Memorial.

Raider Outpost[]

Not getting the books/raiders to spawn early in the game isn't a bug. It's set up to spawn (along with an enclave vertibird drop) later in the game - after finishing the Head of State quest. I've tried this with two characters and the official guide confirms it. Dcruze 06:28, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Completing the Head of State quest may not be the only requirement to spawn the raider outpost. I have completed that quest and the place where the raider outpost is supposed to be is still unpopulated. But I still haven't completed The Waters of Life quest which would trigger the presence of the Enclave. Maybe both the Head of State quest and The Waters of Life quest should be completed in order to spawn the raider outpost. Can anyone confirm? -- Jargonz 10:24, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
I can confirm this. The books and the LDFFOverpassBattleEnableSCRIPT they are created by is not triggered until: (getStage MQ05 >= 85 && getStage MS06 >= 100). In other words Temple of the Union and Waters of Life are completed. 23:18, February 27, 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for pointing this out. My problem was, aside from finding nothing at that raider outpost was that there was nothing to be found at the Temple of the Union aside from the Brahmin so I couldn't even start the quest. I picked the lock and went in and there were no bodies of any of the ex-slaves or of anything that may have been responsible for their disappearance so I guess they just glitched out of the game (suppose if one wants to do this quest they should make every effort to get it finished as eary as possible). I had to jump start the quest by talking to the head slaver at the Lincoln memorial and then killed all the slavers. It was then that I got a message saying both Hannibal and the head slaver guy were both dead so the quest at least ended and the raider outpost finally activated so I could get the 2 skill books I was missing.

Maybe Mei Wong or others work as a trigger to spawn the npcs at the Temple of the Union. Dcruze 07:04, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

I had already helped her out with money for a gun to protect herself from sister quite a ways back and she put it on my map - the marker for the temple. Also a save from like 20 game hours back I was able to go to the temple and find the slaves but I had already done vault 92, the guard depot and vault-tec and hunted down about 30 skill books and didn't feel like having to do all that over.


She called me a slaver, but she was the only one to get hostile. So I killed her, took her stuff (and key), and got inside. Nobody else cared! I wonder if that's normal? PositronicSpleen 22:31, 23 May 2009 (UTC)

Plasma grenade[]

I got a plasma grenade from the storeroom in the temple, is this worth mentioning in notable loot? I'm on lvl 16, PS3 (thereore no DLCs), and haven't even gone near jefferson memorial so am nowhere near having enclave troops running around leaving plasma tech everywhere. The grenade was inside a cooking pot on the shelf opposite the door

Talon Company Mercs[]

After completing the head of state quest in favor of the slaves, the Temple of the Union became a death trap. Multiple, as in 8 Talon Company Mercs began spawing there. Plus the giant rad scorpian inside. Even for higer level players, I was at level 20 when this happened, fast traveling to the temple can cause serious if not fatal problems. I've never encountered 8 Talon Company Mercs at one time before. So the first time it happened, I was floored.


For me the Temple is completely deserted, is this a bug? I've leveled down Paradise Falls (and allowed all the slaves to escape), killed the guys (Silas and his people) at the Lincoln memorial, and also helped Mei Wong and recieved her intel before coming to TOU, could any of these cause the inhabitants to disappear?

CursedToExist 23:49, September 5, 2009 (UTC)

Mirelurks in Temple of the Union?[]

So I was sitting outside of TOTU and show my experimental MIRV in the air and it killed everyone in there. I went to llot everyone and for some reason there were two mirelurks sneaking around in there. They didn't attack after being shot. They were stealing things I think. They had some odd things to loot when I killed them, like books and glasses. Has this happened to anyone else?

Ghoul Wastelanders[]

My experience with the Temple post-Head of State is that some Ghouls have settled there. I thought maybe there would be something different every time I would show up or something but it looks like the place is a Ghoul hangout now. I'd like it to be taken over by Talon Mercs like someone mentioned, would be an excellent source of energy weapons and other stuff from them I could use or sell.

Yao Guai inside temple[]

The PC version just had a rare bug on my computer. WHen i fast traveled to the temple i instantly had a red "enemy" on my radar and before i could find out what happened i realized a Yao Guai spawned INSIDE the temple (While door was still closed) and unfortunately kileld most people inside.

Just saying...[]

This would be cool if this was in the old Union Station. It'd be connected to the metros, so there would have to be a barricade against it so ghouls couldn't come up. --CrimsonAssassin 23:58, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Suddenly Hostile?[]

I went up to the Temple and asked Simone to let me in. As she went down to unlock the door, I noticed on my compass that one of the characters inside the Temple had suddenly turned hostile towards me. The hostile character turned out to be Four Score, and shortly after the gate opened Four Score attacked me, and then the rest of the escaped slaves started attacking as well.

For the record, I'm currently at Neutral Karma, and I had recently killed all the slavers at both the Lincoln Memorial and Paradise Falls. I was still carrying the Mesmatron and Eulogy Jones' Suit though; would that have triggered hostility from them? I seriously doubt it would have though.--Omny87 23:44, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Leaving mines behind[]

I went back to the temple after helping the slaves get to the memorial and it was boobytrapped with a number of mines on the second level. I thought about adding it to the notes as a warning, but I don't know what, if anything, occurs if you help the slavers instead. I'm guessing that wouldn't count as a random encounter, but I don't really know much about these things. Obax42 (talk) 02:40, March 6, 2016 (UTC)
