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Talon Company Misunderstanding[]

I've gotten a bug, but I'm not sure if it is cross platform or anything like that. If you maintain neutral karma (and most likely if you are evil, but I can't remember since I sneak attacked them the first time I saw them on my evil character) the Talon Company mercs you see occasionally will be non-hostile. If you get near them, however, an event is trigged that causes one to talk to you, mentioning the "goody two-shoes" line. I'm pretty sure they aren't intended to attack you, and if you make an effort to stay away from them, you won't have to fight them.

When and where did this happen? I remember a similar situation where I first encountered a few Talon Company mercs in the parking lot of the Super-Duper Mart who were wandering around aimlessly and turned hostile when I tried to speak with them, using the same "goody two-shoes" line. It was right after I declined to blow up Megaton for Mr. Burke. (PC) --Keebalicious 04:28, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
No, I remember this. This still happens to me at Northwest Seneca Station, behind the diner. I have good karma, and the mercenary still gives me that line.
Sign and title your queries. Btw, this isn't a bug. It's a unique Talon Company encounter where they'll approach you, talk to you, and then fight. It only happens once. -- -Jet-

Will they still be initially neutral if you have Very G**d karma? I try to keep my character as holy as possible, and every time I've run into these guys they've gone like the clappers after me -- with the little speech if it's the first encounter, but always immediately hostile. The initial speech may be different for a Very G**d character too -- I recall them saying something like "You don't think you can behave the way you do and no one will notice." Wunengzi 20:17, November 18, 2010 (UTC) (P.S. -- Because of some numbskull fiddling with the spam filter, "Very you know what" has to be written with asterisks like an obscenity. WTF?

I got attacked by them[]

What did I do wrong?Ellerkerm36 20:33, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

They're an evil faction, like the Enclave. -- -Jet-

Talon mercs / Hitmen[]

The talon company mercs named "Hitman" are trigged when you disarm the bomb. They are different from the regular talon company merc spawns and should not be confused. The Hitman encounter happens once. Regardless if Burke is alive. There is no avoiding it, if you haven't seen them and are a high level this means you simply haven't stumbled upon the random encounter of Hitman which falls in with all the other random rare encounters.

If you don't believe me, disarm the bomb simply make a save a decent distance from a random spawn location and simply approach it over and over till you get the Hitman spawn.

Skin tone bug.[]

A lot of Talon Company Mercs can be seen after the installation of Broken Steel that have African American limbs, but a white head. This also applies with other races and skin tones. The only common thing is, when ever this glitch happens, the merc that is messed up always has a white head. It's as if the heads of the talon company mercs aren't getting their color at all. However, if Broken Steel is uninstalled, this glitch completely stops. Anyone else having this problem?

Yeah, I've noticed this. After heading into Fort Bannister, I realized it's pretty frequent; it seems like more than half of the guys I encountered had this condition. These plastic sugery disasters aside, the rest seem to have no variety, all the others have medium length brown hair and a beard witht the same face. Never knew this whole thing was Broken Steel-related though. Nice find. Butcher Pete 22:57, April 12, 2010 (UTC)

Talon Mercs and their XP[]

So I'm farming endless hours for more Outcasts patrols when I noticed something with the Talon Mercs. I'll almost always get three Talon Company Mercs to spawn at the random encounter spot East of MDPL-13 due to me weeding out the unique encounters.

When I take out all three with my Fat Man, I'll get 159 XP with my bonuses. Other times I might get 183 XP. Is the reason why I get more XP due to the Mercs being at different levels? I noticed that Mercs with higher-grade weapons like shotguns opposed to Sub-Machine guns give more XP.

??? -- -Jet-

female mercenaries[]

so the female ones are rare? i got attacked by a group of four mercenaries, three of them were female. anyone got any idea of what could have caused this? too bad i did not know females were rare, or i would have taken a picture.

messing with mercs[]

so i found a way to really annoy those mercs without them becoming hostile, when you are first encountered by them keep your distance or, if you are leaving a building, fast travel somewhere else the moment you leave. When you come back to the area the mercs will threaten u but not become hostile, this worked even after the first group i blasted to smithereens. plus, when you go to that Northwest Seneca metro station, on your way their start being chased by a fast enemy, (ex. Yao guai, mole rat, vicious dog, or Deathclaw, and then enter the grocery when you leave the talon mercs will be non hostile but also being mauled by Yao Gauis, ripped apart by dogs, or slashed in half by Deathclaws. lol.

Blackwood Company[]

Whoever you are, Unregistered Contributor, please stop adding this "similarity" in. Not only is it not relevant, it's not accurate. Kris (talk) 20:35, July 15, 2010 (UTC)

I wan't this one's head on a...[]

Can anyone confirm the "platter" comment? I've only heard them say "plate". --Kris User Hola 11:28, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

I've heard it. To be precise, on a f'ing platter. Wunengzi 19:47, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

Super perception?[]

I've noticed that the mercs can detect me even when I'm sneaking wearing the Chinese Stealth Suit, standing still, and have 80+ sneak skill. I haven't seen any other creature that can do this.

Talon swarm attack enclave[]

Near grizzly dinner I encounter around ten talon company mercs patrolling back and fore, they attacked enclave solider who appeared in groups of three (several times) I killed them after they killed a random encounter (a wastelander with a wasteland survival guide on them)

anyone else seen this?
