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[Fallout 3] Unlike the main page's description, I quite like having a rank or two of this to give me that little edge.-Accountless Avenger

[Fallout 3] The note on "loosing" perks in Fallout 3 when taking this perk seem to be somewhat inconsistent when seeing the alternatives on lower levels. Being a LVL 2 perk, it doesn´t necessarily mean loosing a useful perk but only another low-level one. Comprehension at LVL 4 basically makes all the other skill perks useless when played right so Swift Learner only has to compete with Intense Training and Lady Killer/Black Widow. IMO a player should indeed consider getting this perk when aiming for a smoother game pace. Comments?


I would say you wouldn't lose out on perks in Fallout 2, either, given that the level cap was raised to 99. --MadDawg2552 19:56, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

[Fallout 3] The only use I've found for this perk is to be able to level grind faster to get the karma specific achievements. Otherwise, I don't see a point in taking it since there's plenty of ways to gain experience in this game. - Chill02

[Fallout 3] The problem with Swift Learner isn't the strength of the perk, but rather what it does to gameplay. Max it out and you may be level 20 before the game is half-cleared. Take character growth out of a RPG can really hurt the overall fun-factor of the latter half of the game. I think this is the biggest reason to avoid swift learner. Considering the game is probably at its most difficult early on when you're relatively weak, Swift Learner is actually not bad because it gets you the important high level perks sooner. By the time you're level 20, you're going to have 1000 pieces of ammunition for three or four types of guns (each) and over a hundred stims in your inventory. Because of this, losing a couple low level perks isn't going to stop you from slaughtering everything in your path. Unless you're a serious power-gamer who cares about how strong his level 20 character is, I don't think this perk actually has any "weakness" issues, and it's more of a gameplay pacing issue. -- 03:56, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

The only "weakness" this perk might have is that at max level it does nothing. --MadDawg2552 16:20, 6 February 2009 (UTC)
[Fallout 3] This perk is actually pretty useless. If you do any amount of exploring/side questing, you will reach level 20 around half-way through the main campaign without this perk. If you play on harder difficulties, this perk just makes the game harder once you reach level 20 since you have essentially "wasted" 1-3 perks. The fact that sleeping in your bed gives the equivalent to 1 rank of this perk makes it even more useless, if you want fast development then you can just sleep and get up your SPECIAL stats instead of wasting a perk. The only real use I can see is to get the Karma achievements faster, but its easier just to save before leveling up and killing/saving loads of people to get the achievements. I mean, if you are really that impatient and don't want to waste time leveling up and developing your character, you shouldn't even be playing an rpg like this, just play a fps like Halo or COD.Crimmastermind 08:51, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

[Fallout 3] I was just wondering, does this perk stack up with the diffuculty XP gain, or does the % simply affect the total amount gained?----Anonymous

Swift Learner (Broken Steel)[]

[Fallout 3] With the release of broken steel, I see Swift Learner becoming more useful as a lvl 2 or 3 perk. Not just because of the higher level cap, but because of the extra levels you get many more skill points. This makes the skill boosting perks weaker. That leaves black widow/lady killer and intense training. Intense training becomes a "wasted" perk if you aim to take almost perfect at level 30. You could argue that once you hit level 30 swift learning is a wasted perk too, but it allows you to get to 30 sooner to enjoy almost perfect more. After all, getting 9 or 10 in each stat will affect parts of the game, such as unlocking SPECIAL-related dialogue, eg moira. What are people's thoughts? -- 11:14, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

Well from what I've played so far, even w/ Broken Steel, it's pretty easy to get to the level cap. Especially if you're playing from the start and on very hard. There's just so much xp to be had out in the world if you choose to go exploring and not just do the main quests. Also, if you have Opp. Anc. and The Pitt, you'll have even more easy xp at your disposal. Also, w/ 2 more DLC on the burner and none of them raising the lvl cap (I think), you'll have way more than enough content to reach 30 w/o grinding and just doing the DLC and main quests. So I still think this perk is somewhat useless. 18:49, 1 June 2009 (UTC)


When I had one level of Swift Learner, combined with the Well Rested effect, I would get 13 XP for things that would normally give me 10, which led me to conclude that these sorts of things always round up. But when I had two levels of Swift Learner, without the Well Rested effect, I would get 12 XP for things that would normally give 10. I'm thinking either that Well Rested rounds up, whereas Swift Learner rounds to the nearest, or else that Swift Learner has additive accumulation, not a multiplicative accumulation, whereas Well Rested has the latter. Does anybody else have an explanation?

I am wrong. I think it's an engine quirk. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 19:36, October 18, 2009 (UTC)

Lionheart in TOC?[]

Do we really need to list Lionheart in the Section Heading? A note with a link seems fine for information and completeness, but right now it can be confusing to any reader who does not know what Lionheart is. Placing it in the TOC sure makes it appear to be a Fallout game.--Gothemasticator 18:16, October 20, 2009 (UTC)

Anyone can click on the link to the game and see what it is. Ausir(talk) 19:21, October 20, 2009 (UTC)

Do enemies level alongside the player character?[]

If enemies level along with the player then this perk seems pointless, because it would not provide much differential power between the character and his foes. Do enemies level alongside the player in Fallout 3? Makeswell 23:21, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

P.S. If you know this then please add your knowledge to the page itself. Props. Makeswell 23:21, June 11, 2011 (UTC)