Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

There's a unique Super Sledge in the Charleston cave near Jacobstown called "Oh Baby!" 02:23, October 22, 2010 (UTC) Anonymous

I found a Super Mutant Master at Black Mountain had a full condition Super Sledge (PS3) Is this normal for a level 16 character to find!?--AlmightyBazzman 03:42, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

I've found Masters' equipment were always excellent condition. Not suprisingly, this stopped as soon as I left with Raul. --BOSPalidan 12:46, January 30, 2011 (UTC)

is it worth adding a note on enemies just love constantly shooting your super sledge if they have ranged weapons with and the super sledge is best used on enemies with melee weapons only or weapons that have a slow rate of fire. BlackDragon666 (talk) 21:47, November 29, 2013 (UTC)
