Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What's the knockdown chance?[]

Any idea on how often Super Slam is set off, GECKsperts? 06:26, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

0% for "automatic" melee weapons (ripper, chainsaw, ect.) 15% for one handed melee weapons 30% for two-handed melee weapons

Not working with Thermic Lance[]

Maybe my game is bugged or something, but I've been unable to knock down enemies using the Thermic Lance. --The Kiw 16:28, December 27, 2010 (UTC)


 thermionic lance is automatic

Took a look in the GECK... Might be bugged afterall[]

I just now took a look at this using the GECK and Melee Weapons is listed twice as 2 entries, one with a 30 percent chance of the perk being activated, and the other with a 15 percent chance. My guess is that the 2nd entry was meant for Unarmed Weapons, meaning that this perk doesn't work with Unarmed weapons at all. Would this be correct in assuming? --Distracted Ghost 03:30, February 18, 2011 (UTC)

Just did a double check on this, actually. It's listed twice, but the entries both include melee and unarmed weapons. Find it odd it's listed twice with two different chances though. --Distracted Ghost 03:45, February 18, 2011 (UTC)
Maybe it's different depending on if you're in VATS or not. Anecdotal experience suggests it does seem to happen less (as a percentage) in real time. Nubbinsworth 15:28, September 20, 2011 (UTC)

Is it the same chance of knockdown for 1 handed and 2 handed melee weapons?

If using a weapon like the Motor Runner's Chainsaw - would that greatly increase the frequency of this perk kicking in? I mean, if its a 30 or 15% chance of happening...

Blocking enemies.[]

I added into the article that if an enemy is knocked down while they are blocking, all hits on the knocked down enemy act as if they were blocking. Slaya33 00:09, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

how long is the knockdown? is it just down and they waste time getting back up(hope) or is it basically like ko where they stay down a while(a little imersion breaking)?
