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You can actually get up to Stockholm by carefully climbing the outer gate of Megaton, Start on the right side near the diagonal ladder you have to hit the wall and you character should jump three times getting your feet above the door then go to the left in front of the engine then get a running jump up the wing you'll know you hit the right spot when your legs stay in the jumping animation and you slide up the wing, i did it on my 360, and i repeated it a few times to make sure it wasn't just a random lucky jump. Strike Reyhi 16:15, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

For some reason i can't repeat it again (after doing so around 5 times in a row without trouble), i was going to show a friend of mine but i can't seem to up past the right side anymore, does weight factor into how high you can jump like in Morrowind? I'll try dropping everything in my house and try again. Strike Reyhi 08:20, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

I got to him!!! and when you kill him with you bare fist he flies through the air and lands outside the city!! once he flew through the air and stretched around like rubber!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRu2uwa95Gg&feature=related You can get to him I no matter what if you do it right. I have a heavy character and all add-ons installed. U just gotta be good

I saw a video on YouTube that shows how you can get to him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooLCwTCzWdc Deboriole 22:30, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

Teleporting Glitch[]

On the 360 version, I found him pacing around the entrance to rivet city and occasionally walking inside. He still has his normal dialogue options, which before I knew who he was confused me... Anyone else have this happen?

Yeah. He came down for me (Xbox 360) to where the bomb is and tried to kill me when i decided to go on a killing spree

I found a new glitch for Stockholm.

So I was walkin home to Megaton when all of the sudden I see his corpse in the entryway. I look up and there is a giant ant where he should be. Naturally I cry out in anger and avenge his death with some hot lead but now the ant keeps respawning everytime I leave megaton. Friken sucks.

On mine, instead of Stockholm spawning down on the floor, Megaton Settlers and even Lucas Simms spawned next to him?


Ever since I installed the Mothership Zeta DLC I can't get to Stockholm; there's like a barrier there or something... BrenMan 94 03:05, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

No, I have MZ and I managed the jump. I started from the right side of the gate, then crossed over to the left side at the plane engine, then went up from there. Eddo36

epic glitch-ness[]

idk where this belongs but i put it here anyway, i got up to stockholm and crit shot him with a sniper rifle, he flew into megaton, so i went in after him, but not the way ud think, i went up to his perch and jumped down into megaton from there, the entire place was like a low graphics group of box's stacked together, no doors or anything, it was sweet lolToolazytomakeaaccount 20:22, October 22, 2009 (UTC)

i had something similiar, when i was passing around the outside of megaton i found a way to look inside and it was, as you said low graphics

this happened to you because it didnt load

when you enter megaton the normal way it loads all pieces of information in that area e.g. doors and graphics

Vault 101's Jail Password[]

Has anyone else noticed that Vault 101's Jail password during "Trouble On The Homefront" is Stockholm?

Finnaly Got to Stockholm from outside of Megaton (PS3)[]

After about 30 mins or so just stacking 5mm ammo in the corner finally made it to him, now I can make him look like the one inside, Brotherhood Armor/Helemt, and a .308 Sniper rifle. I would say it took about 37 just staking them in anyway that would kind of make a steep ramp, lol there is no bed from that side or chair.Too bad he is still weak as dookie.

Also if you try making a ramp by being on top of the ammo, then dropping them from there, you run the risk of losing that ammo, because I lost a few rounds, so drop the ammo from the ground then start your stacking.

GodsHand 00:32, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Video of me getting to him from outside on the PS3, at the end of the video, either dur to a glitch or was programmed he has reverted back to his default armor, and rifle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxjOoHMciC4 GodsHand 19:34, April 19, 2010 (UTC)

Wierd glitch I had with him[]

One time I got bored and started firing MIRV rounds over the walls from within Megaton. Eventually I hit poor Stockholm right in the face with one of those nukes, so the one inside Megaton died. After Megaton's hostility ended, I came back to find a clone of my follower up there! This follower was from a mod, so I don't think it would happen with any of the stock ones, and I can not for the life of me reproduce the glitch. I used TCL to go up there, recruited the clone and had two identical copies of that addon follower following me around! It was wierd. I don't feel it's worth mentioning this glitch on the main page unless someone can confirm it happening with one of the Vanilla followers. The Stockholm outside of megaton stayed alive, as I chose not to shoot him as I made my escape. TestECull 18:18, April 12, 2010 (UTC)


Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. 14:56, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah? Good for you...

Reverse Pickpocketing[]

Does he even equip items you put in his inventory? I was going to give him Victory, and Enclave Hellfire armor but he hasn't equipped any of it when I entered my house, fast travelled away and came back, etc. Mictlantecuhtli 23:01, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

When I reverse pickpocketed him (inside the Megaton) some equipment he did equip them. Unfortunately the Stockholm outside of the Megaton doesn't get those equipment this way. I don't know how to get access to him outside. I have the GOTY edition and here is a pic for proof. Ozea (talk) 18:54, February 20, 2014 (UTC)

Stockholm equipped

Stockholm reverse pickpocketed Ozea (talk) 18:54, February 20, 2014 (UTC)

I think you have to make sure that you give both Stockholms the exact same additions to their inventory, in order for it to work. Weapon, armor and ammo. I've given both of them a Gatling Laser (100% repair, make sure there's no discrepancy) and 400 EC Pack and both have equipped them. ComaDivine 11:06, August 29, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, scrub that. I restarted my game today and neither Stockholm has the Gatling Laser or ammo in their inventory now...ComaDivine 02:26, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

hey i dunno if this is just me or a new easter egg ive been able to repeat it many times so this is what to do: 1. outside megaton front gates, bring up console and type "player.setscale 10". 2. crouch so your head is just above with the jutting walkway where stockholm stands, just above the big fan. 3. if you start activating the walkway just underneath and in front of where stockholm's standing, you should get the message "children cannot use that." use setscale, i tested noclip and flew up there but the message doesnt seem to come up if you get up there without setscale and without crouching someone plz test this soon
