Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Why does this article have the combat stopping function listed as a bug? It's part of the effect of the script. All creatures and NPCs under the Very Aggressive level are supposed to stop a combat engagement when the stealth boy is activated. 00:19, April 25, 2010 (UTC) Johnny Five Aces

Effect on pickpocketing[]

Will a stealth boy increase your chances of a successful pickpocketing attempt when your sneak value is already at 100?

Invisible sneaking treated as perfectly normal[]

I used Stealth Boys to sneak past Gustavo in Tenpenny Tower, went up the elevator, and was trying to creep into Tenpenny's suite to assassinate him. I was still creeping and invisible when I got to the entrance to the suite and his door guard saw me immediately. The funny thing was that he interacted with me as if everything were perfectly normal, and even let me pass, when I was at least trying to be invisible and sneaking. I can see that he might have been able to detect me, since the Stealth Boy doesn't make a person perfectly invisible, but one would think that he would have become at least a little suspicious at my arriving in that condition.
