Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I think we need some info on where to find his laser pistol. Because I have no Idea...

Ivarsa15 10:17, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

Laser Pistol unmarked quest?[]

(obtained from Knight Torres (Master at Arms by the firing range), then you talk to the Paladin in charge of the firing range and he tells you Stanton was the last one to check out the pistol) When you talk to Stanton, he says they went to a "gulch southeast of here with scorpions in it" and when you ask him to be more specific, he says they near a "big rock" that had a corpse near it. I'm going to take Rex and see if I can find it... - Ductyl 19:33, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

check the quest's page for a walkthrough: Missing Laser Pistol (quest)

To summarize, when you fast travel to the scorpion gulch, turn right and it will be on the rock right next to you. --Pongsifu 19:40, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Yep, it was fairly easy, actually. It would have been easier if you could get him to repeat the "gulch southeast of here" part, without having to reload a save. - Ductyl24.19.234.200 19:41, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
