Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


On PC. Did a speech check with Andy to avoid a fight, then speech checks with the girl to stop her from killing her mom. She ran out of the house after that; I wanted to see where she was going, and when I stepped out, she fell to the ground dead, failing the quest. 07:18, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Same here. I guess the game designers weren't expecting you to leave the house until you've spoken with her mother.-- 12:20, April 5, 2013 (UTC)

Finish this article[]

I was going to write up this whole article, but I accidentally deleted the save file to work on the quest. So, if someone else could write out the other ways to finishing this quest, it would be much appreciated. KingArmery 22:24, October 27, 2010 (UTC)


Do you get any reward (except for good karma)if you save her mother using a speech check?

200 caps, and some experience.

  • If you pass both speech checks (speech skill 70 then 75) and Alice leaves to find her own path, you get offered a 500 cap reward instead.


The article says she kills her father too, but does she actually target him or does he just sometime take a few stray bullets if he happens to be home at the time?

walkthrough is wrong[]

ok when you go back to the hostetler place it says there is a second speech check that requires 75 skill and if you pass she leaves to follow her dreams or whatever.

i never got a second speech check, and when she said she was going to kill her mother, i said ok, ill just wait here, and then she loses the nerve and asks what she should do. i said stay with your family and reconcile.

reward good karma and quest complete after talking to the mother, who offered 200 caps, with a barter check for more, or the option to refuse payment for good karma.

i have no idea wtf that walkthrough is talking about, but it did not happen anything like it says in my game when i got back to the hostetler home.

RESPONSE: It's because you didn't have 7 intelligence.


For the second part of the missio when the courier ventures into the the sewers where the greasers are...well maybe one of you should make an article about the greasers I would but I have only just started and I am only just getting to grips.--Tricky425 12:04, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

I KILLED Mrs. Hostetler in my first few hours of gameplay[]

By accident...

Is there a resurrection code for Mrs. Hostetler? I've come across two quests which are no longer able to complete, this one, "Someone to Watch Over Me" and another one, drug running for the Khans (The title I'm not too sure of right now.) but any time I talk to Don Hostetler, he says to me "I should kill you where you stand for what you've done..." and then walks away from me...

Anyone get that outcome as well?

```` Nero

Getting Alice to not shoot her mother[]

To elaborate on my summary, I had previously agreed to help Andy without the intention of ever doing so. It may be possible that is the reason I was able to talk her down. It feels wrong to describe it as talking her down though, since in all my experiences she would only attack her mother if you pressure her into doing it. The speech successes talk her down before she declares that she is going to storm the door, but every other path leads to her declaring it, at which point she hesitates every time. When she hesitates I am presented with the option of either telling her to hand me the gun, or calling her a coward and goading her into attacking.

Whole Andy Scabb section needs to be expanded, there is more content.[]

Once you are in Andy's room, pick up the Henchman Message to Andy Scabb underneath the TV. As you leave, you will be confronted by the ghoul Andy. The player can lie to him with 65 speech and play dumb or expose him and make a deal with him (from a guide from 2010)

Andy adds an optional part of the quest, which involves helping him steal the Crimson Caravan money from the Hostetlers in return for his safety. It is fully functional and fully voiced. This was probably patched out in the early days, but surely it is back in the game now, probably from all the musthave unofficial patches and bugfix mods which almost everybody uses these days. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 11:12, 7 December 2020 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

First: Everybody may feel free to add missing information to articles, expand them or correct false information – including you.
Second: However, "user modifications are not covered by this wiki", according to our content policy; this includes unofficial "patches", no matter how many people are using them.
You could add a cut content section to the article. Naming references as per related game files would be very helpful in that case. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 13:03, 7 December 2020 (UTC)


Taunting Alice does not cause her to kill herself she only kills her mother and flees

Eye2eye0 (talk) 04:54, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

"...best possible ending" for Alice Hostetler is nonsense[]

Let me understand this. You're at a stage in the game where you can pass a 75 Speech check, but it's the best because you get a low value pistol and some other minor trinkets? Meanwhile, you leave Alice feeling like crap about herself. That's heroic. How about screwing Mrs. Hostetler out of every cap you can get from her as well? That would be appropriate in light of your previous choice. #sarcasm
