Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Vault 112 = NO![]

When adding loot to this page please only list that found in the garage, and not inside Vault 112. Ralphredimix 20:50, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

I only found .32 pistols in the gun cases- xbox 360

Like the above: 10mm and .32 in the gun cases for me.

I too only found .32 pistols and ammo. 22:41, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

I found no tumblers today in the open safe :(.

Why would Smith Casey sleep through the bombs falling? Seems kind of a bum deal for him if he can't stay in the Vault his business protects. 10:03, January 13, 2010 (UTC)


I had a friend playing on the PS3 version, and it appeared the Nav Mesh around Smith Casey's Garage had disabled it's self, somehow the Molerats got out. But the bug is that he was able to walk literally through the door, as if 'TCL' was enabled on the PC version. I also have pictures to back this bug up. And if memory recalls i've seen this mentioned before on here.

07-01-2012 I've just reached this spot in my game on ps3, this is main quest stuff and I really just can't understand it not working. Anyways, I'm glad it didn't glitch out still after restarting the system. What a crock that would have been. 14:47, July 1, 2012 (UTC)Alsquidla


I've read the article and I saw that it had some Crash Problems for some players, I am one of them. Anyone knows how to fix this ? I can't play the game without going here. Kyuubinaruto123 11:19, February 27, 2010 (UTC) Nevermind, I just disabled auto saves and other things and it works well now Kyuubinaruto123 20:23, March 2, 2010 (UTC)


I fast-traveled to Smith Casey's Garage and much to my horror and amazement, there was a sentry bot, an Outcast, and four raiders fighting. I turn around and there is a Yao Gui, Deathclaw and Protectron all trying to kill each other. I was Level 21 at the time.

Finding dad[]

This sounds interesting- going there straight after leaving 101 to find dad.

Has anyone done this? It sounds a little too perfect, the sort of video game rumour that is common. I'm too lazy to try myself but has anyone?

I've done it a few times. It works but I prefer not to do it, it messes with the flow of the main quest.Deadlykris 00:59, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

I've done this, but not on purpose. I'm new to fallout (and gaming in general) and am a huge fan of the exploring and story. I was walking around during the gnr quest and found the place. this is one time I wish the creators would have restricted early characters from access to the vault, as it diminishes the experience. A computer terminal with a very hard check, with a password you could only obtain after scientific pursuits could fix this easily... 21:12, January 20, 2012 (UTC)
