Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Doesn't appear to be on the dead mercenary. Right near a pseudo-entrance to a cave, SE map, lakelurks, two skeletons... no scarf. 22:34, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

It's not a Helmet[]

It's a scarf. It's hat class in the GECK. 08:25, February 18, 2011 (UTC)

Hood Wrap[]

Okay, it says that the female icon is the hood wrap, but my character is male and wears the hood wrap also, so is the Wiki wrong?

Yes. I'm currently playing a male character who is wearing this item. Fixed. ( 05:38, September 27, 2011 (UTC))

Odd droprates[]

Nice item, imho, very stylish (at least on a female char). Weird thing is though, in my first game it didn't see anyone carry it, nor did I find it anywhere. Whereas in the second game, practically every (dead) prospector wore one. Odd.RadiationStorm 13:48, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Getting the Scarf[]

I randomly found this item on one character and liked it so much that I wanted to get it on a later play through. What I did was go to the Prospector's Den and save right outside the door. Each time I entered the den, the Dead Prospectors spawned with different gear. The first few tries that I entered none of them were wearing the scarf. After each failed attempt I just reloaded my save outside the door, and went in to try and find it again. After about 4 or so reloads I found it on one of them. Now my scarf is the envy of all the wasteland. Party!
