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Does anyone know if it's caps will restock? I know its inventory of items won't, but I more care about selling things to it anyway. Thanks!

Sink Cent. Int. Unit caps[]

The Sink Central Intelligence Unit will respawn its caps, but it didn't happen until we had finished the add-on, left and returned from the Mojave. At that point, its cap count had gone up, but it didn't have the full amount and the player needed to keep track of the estimated number of caps remaining as there will be no change in the total caps remaining in the SCIU's inventory.DarthOrc 17:02, July 20, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

Maybe it does restock[]

Im almost certain it restocked a Sonic Emitter Pistol because i have 3 of them and im pretty sure i got 2 of them by purchasing them from the unit --FLaSHBaCK HaSH 22:52, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

So they made us wait an extra month for this DLC and then this problem occurs that prevents you from selling to it.

Yeah, with all the money they've made you'd think they could hire some actual computer programmers some day. Right now, the Sink has about 55,000 caps and I have 2000 or so and can't sell anything to it because it just takes the goods and gives me no caps in return. This is a game-crippling and perhaps game-breaking bug. 04:32, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

I found out if you wait 3 days while inside Big MT, the Sink CIU actually DOES restock, but not it's caps.--anon

Same bug seen day one of the game's release. Don't buy so much from the Sink that it's standing cap count exceeds 32,000. --Xclockwatcher 05:49, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

I double-checked, i waited three days after noting the exact inventory of the SCIU on a page. waited three days, then a week to be sure, and no change at all, not with the caps nor with the inventory. I must try to buy special weapons like the sonic emitter yet, but as of stims, ammo, and the rest it DOESN'T restock (at least on Xbox ^^)

-- OneWingPhoenix 18:26(GMT+1), July 22, 2011

OneWingPhoneix is right, on Xbox at least, the inventory doesn't restock, nor do the caps. --ZzirBooty 19:05, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

The inventories and caps of vendors that sell quest related items may not reset until after the related quests are finished. Other times it's the map cell that has to reset to refresh a merchant's inventory. --Xclockwatcher 04:24, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the tip, indeed the quests at Big MT were not finished when i tested it, i'll retest later then thanks -- OneWingPhoenix 9:28(GMT+1), July 23, 2011

It does indeed restock after OWB is finished, or more precisely all OWB quests are finished, even if those impying the sonic emitter are done, if there is one left it doesn't restock, might be worth noting in the main page that restocking is unavailable till then. -- OneWingPhoenix 13:19(GMT+1), July 23, 2011

It will restock every three days (unless you've already triggered it's bug, which I'll get to). You don't have to complete the DLC to get it to restock. That isn't the problem. It has a much bigger problem. The SCIU has a "vendor container" rather than a "merchant container" assigned to it. This is because the SCIU is an object not an NPC, and objects can't have merchant containers assigned to them. This is what's causing these problems. Anything you sell the SCIU will remain in it's inventory permanently (unless bought back). Any caps it makes from you will not "flush" from it's balance upon restocking/refreshing. It remains (as Darth Orc pointed out above).

Inevitably this leads to the bug where when a vendor's caps balance gets too high, it ticks over and is read as considerably less (or zero), which is why you won't get caps from them when you sell them items. It also causes the non-restock issue. Contreras and Kemp have the exact same problem. They have a vendor container assigned to them rather than a merchant container, but in their cases, the money they get from you can be pickpocketed back because they're both NPCs. The SCIU can't be pickpocketed because it's an object.

This is why players are getting "ripped off" by the SCIU. If you keep using it for repairs, or buying from it, it's caps balance will eventually hit that danger zone, and it unfortunately won't reduce it's own balance because it can't. And since it can't be pickpocketed like Contreras, there's no way for the player to keep it's balance at an acceptable level except by selling as much to it as they buy from it. But since items sold to it won't ever go away, eventually it fills up with crap until accessing it becomes like accessing an overstocked container (lag delay).

It's basically unusable. I recommend not doing any monetary dealings with it until Obsidian catches a clue PDQ and rebuilds it as NPC with a merchant container assigned.-- 16:44, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

For the above contributer, do you think that if/when it is patched, it will work for those of us the glitch has already occurred to? And are there any possible fixes for this issue? --ZzirBooty 00:21, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

What is the difference between a vendor and a merchant implementation wise? Also, I have never had Contreras have any problems resetting. --Xclockwatcher 15:55, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

Whew. Got it to work. I had to wait about 5 in-game days instead of 3, and both his items and caps restocked. Also on Xbox. --ZzirBooty 18:25, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

I, too, am having the same problem. I have it on PS3, and it refuses to restock. I've tried waiting/sleeping for 3 days, but it has 50,000+ of my caps and it's inventory still has 3 Buffout, 1 Mentats, 14 Stimpacks, and various ammo. --falloutghoul 14:15, August 12, 2011 (UTC)

I have consistently been able to reset the SCIU (stock and Caps) by waiting 4 consecutive days in Big MT but outside The Sink on The Sink Balcony. This also worked once by sleeping 4 days in Higgs Village. At each cycle, the SCIU regains 14,000+ Caps. It's stock, however, seems to randomly restock some items: like Wrenches or Ammo. By doing this, I was able to initially able to amass well over 80,000 Caps, then once completing Dead Money, sell all of my Gold Bars for full price. One issue I did note is that if you reenter The Sink before the 4 days have passed, it breaks the cycle and you have to go back outside and wait another 4 days. I am playing on the Xbox 360 with every current DLC Installed. --Delphis0 23:45, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

^^^ The above method posted by Delphis0 works!! I'm on xbox360 and he's right - You have to wait outside of the sink for 4 days without going back inside until they're over. After that his stuff is back.

Removed from the article[]

I removed the following:

"The Sink Central Intelligence Unit also shares the same voice as Edwin Jarvis in the movie Iron Man, this is the voice of Tony Stark's Home Central Intelligence Computer."

Jarvis was voiced by actor Paul Bettany. The SCIU was voiced by voice actor Jim Ward (I believe). It definitely wasn't Paul Bettany, though. That I'm sure of. The phrase "shares the same voice" is misleading and suggests that it's the same actor voicing the role when this just isn't true. It may well sound like him, but it's not him.-- 16:52, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

--Delphis0 23:32, August 14, 2011 (UTC) removed the following:

"The Central Intelligence Unit doesn't restock after you complete Old World Blues even if you way 3+ days in Big MT"

If you wait 4 consecutive days inside Big MT, outside of the Sink (on The Sink Balcony, in Higgs Village or any other "safe" areas) SCIU will restock and reset caps. Some stock is random, for instance: sometimes I can buy 1 Wrench, 2 Wrenches or there will be none. I have managed to sell all my Gold Bars from Sierra Madre @ 9485 Caps each.

Still not restocking!!!???[]

^^ as i've said it;s still not restocking for me (360) niether caps nor items ^^

Seems to be refresing[]

I don't know if they've fixed it or not, but my CIU seems to be refreshing inventory and caps. It's got multiple K9000 mods and has been refreshing to about 14000 caps. What's more, I'm not spending time in the Big MT. I only go back for about an in-game hour at a time to repair stuff and sell. (SPAMLibArmy 02:14, August 1, 2011 (UTC))

7,075 cap bug[]

I am playing on the PS3 and i got this bug, that no matter how much i sell stuff to the S.I.N.K, the ammount he shows transfering is higher than 7,075. But the max amount of caps i get back is 7,075, wondering if anyone else getting this?

Bug or by design?[]

I've noticed some inconsistencies(ie had problems) with sink appliance personalities. In some cases an appliance will not recognize quest items it needs to accept. I had quickly tired of the constant chatter and turned their voices off(if only the stealth suit voice had an off switch). However this abridged state seems to skip over scripts that direct them to accept items for upgrades. Apparently these actions must be done through their interactive dialogue windows, not the 'dump' mugs, audio samples or what-not for raw materials interface. If anyone is having difficulties with the appliances, try changing the on/off state of the personalities. --Xclockwatcher 07:29, August 2, 2011 (UTC)


The auto-doc and jukebox definitely need their personalities switched on in order to access all their options. The sink(basin) however only functions correctly when personality AIs are turned off. --Xclockwatcher 23:32, August 3, 2011 (UTC)

The waiting 3 days for it to restock needs to be confirmed[]

I have waited for more than 3 days in Big MT it's inventory doesn't change when i return to it. It's only after i return to the Mojave and mull around, maybe do a 1 or 2 quests and then return to The Sink will it's inventory be restocks AND even that's a little random. I mean, is it a bug for me or what? I would love a confirmation that waiting 72hrs somewhere in Big MT will restock it. (PS3 version) --DrunkenSushi 05:37, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

I should've read above before posting the above hehe. I did run into the dreaded vendor glitch but i haven't been monetarily affected by it because i buy things first then sell my stuff making sure it's caps stay around 44000. I know if it gets to around 38000 i need to buy something from it, otherwise it could F me. But since i have been able to compensate for it, the 3 day restock should theoretically work for me, right?? --DrunkenSushi 05:43, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Crashing Problem[]

So I know is it the bug section somewhere, when I stop talking to the Sink, or ask it for repair/buy stuff. The game crashes, and I can't find a fix to this bug either officially or unofficially. If someone had the same problem, a link to the solution would be mostly appreciated. Thank you.

Fast way to restock caps (works for PC)[]

Ay Nukapedia, from what I've noticed after some testing, the caps (14000 of em) restock after you try to escape and the Perimeter Warning brings you back to the Sink. This is a lot faster than waiting for 4 days. Please test this on games other than PC version. -- 09:05, March 15, 2014 (UTC) TheDicSoupcan

Just tried to duplicate this on the PC version. Caps and inventory did not restock after escape attempt. Zzsignup (talk) 04:50, May 4, 2014 (UTC)
