Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Big Bug[]

I already completed the DLC (using 360) and i have given all the extras, implants and tapes to the Sink. When i try to get an implant or something by talking to the auto-doc it only gives me option for healing, I can't get implants nor get a haircut or change my face. I also tried to leave Big MT and still same, i tried to leave the room, disable the personality and tried the same speak option a lot of times. And NO I DON'T HAVE ANY PREVIOUS SAVEDGAME, because i already had 100 savegames and i overwrote the current one.

Anyone else having this issue? Please respond ~~Enrikiller

You need extra holotapes to enable these additional options. I wonder why this is not stated. Check the medical facility again more closely. you should find some of them in there.

  • Same here (spanish version for 360). And yes, we both have ALL holotapes. No need to check again.- Bogus71

I've played through OWB twice now on my 360 and not had a problem getting implants, hairstyle, or facial reconstruction. I've intalled various upgrades in different orders each time. On my first playthrough upgrades were found and installed during "Influencing People". On my second playthrough they were installed prior to that during "All My Friends Have Off Switches". Both times all upgrades were installed before completing the quest "Old World Blues". Did you complete the upgrades after the main questline?

  • Nope, before the main quest end with all my 3 toons, and in different order. Sadly with the same results.- Bogus71

Using Xbox and the Spanish version, seems to never fix (i tried to delete cache, and almost everything i could think of) Anyone got to solve it? I have all holotapes, i'm not that dumb >.<!

I got that problem as well. Spanish PC version.

  • Hi. I have the Spanish version too, but PC, and I have that bug too. That needs to be reported to developers, or a console fix maybe?

Seems it's only happening in the Spanish version (que mierda) somebody should report it, i bet the PC can fix with some console command, but can't be done in Xbox nor PS3, so may be fixed by the developers. I'll search something, but can't neither promise a solution. Enrikiller

Ok,so i made a new courier and managed to get all the things for the Auto Doc before the main storyline, still like before. This should be confirmed and reported to someone to fix it. Enrikiller

14:53, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

Same here,version pc :( ^What version are you using? Spanish or some other. For now we've only seen it in the Spanish ver. La version en español

^Since I STARTED THIS DISCUSSION (:D) Yes, using the Spanish version, Look at the signature, it's me all the way. Using Xbox 360 Spanish version.

To everyone, Cleaning the cache did not solve this, neither did starting a whole new story, as I tried to take anything BEFORE completing the DLC storyline and had the same troubles. This may or not be patched, haven't reported to the Bethesda forums or whatever, so I'll mainly try right now. I'll come back to see how it goes, and please, remember to sign your posts Enrikiller 14:53, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

OK, taken to the BETHESDA FORUMS: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1219924-sink-auto-doc-bug/ and http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1219926-sink-auto-doc-bug/ Enrikiller 15:16, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

Same problem here with Spanish PC version. I finished all sink upgrade missions but it only gives me the option to heal myself or reset traits... Hope they fix it soon or someone could create a mod to fix this bug...

I am the one who wrote the last post. I have resolved the issue and it works perfectly on PC Spanish version, I have uploaded a fix to Nexus so you can finally enjoy the auto-doc. Regards everyone :)

Soy el que ha escrito el anterior post. Resulta que mirando he encontrado el fallo y he conseguido que funcione perfectamente. He subido el fix a Nexus para que disfrutéis al fin del Auto-Doctor. Un saludo a todos :)


--KittyFollen 18:11, August 12, 2011 (UTC)

Recuerda que esta es una wiki en inglés. Sadly I have the xbox, so I can't get a fix on it, ideas on how to? Enrikiller 20:02, August 12, 2011 (UTC)

Lo sé, por eso lo he puesto primero en inglés y luego en español puesto que el fix es exclusivo para la versión española del juego. You will have to wait untill a patch comes out for xbox. Xbox does not support mods unfortunately...--KittyFollen 21:27, August 12, 2011 (UTC)

  • if this is only a spanish bug and we are spanish (or spanish speaking) why are we still talking in english (joder, es que es de cajon)
  • This is an english wiki, so we must talk in english, we like it or not. We can find some help from someone who doesn't speak spanish and finds this. It's on the rules, ENGLISH.

Too bad it's not fixed :(

  • why dont we just call bethesda customer service?
  • Customer support will only say that they can't fix it, nor give us a new dlc (which in fact wouldn't work) the most we would get is a "we're working on it" Still a nice change to get this fixed after all.

Someone could do this? I already reported to the bethesda forums and started this, i'm not aware of howto customer's...

  • what if we request a refund? im sure they will release a patch,i can also prove i bought owb, by the way, spanish version too, ps3

Trait Selector Question[]

Has anyone played the game starting with the Wild Wasteland perk, gotten the Alien Blaster and then removed the perk via the auto doc and gotten the other Gauss rifle that's only available without the wasteland perk? I was just wondering if this would finally allow you to get both guns without mods or console commands of course. 16:49, August 22, 2011 (UTC)

No, once you get the Alien Blaster or the YCS gauss rifle changing traits doesn't let you acquire the other. Can only pick one, so make your choice Enrikiller 09:36, August 24, 2011 (UTC)

Okay, I would assume then that this is the same for other weapons such as the Holy Frag Grenades? 04:27, August 23, 2011 (UTC)

Indeed, if you have the PC you can always use console commands. But, if you want the holy frags and the YCS you can do it, first put on the Wild Wasteland (beggining of the game) get the holies, put away WW and get YCS Enrikiller 09:36, August 24, 2011 (UTC)

Regaining NCR Reputation

My NCR rep was "Idolized" ...But after i completed "I Fought the Law" in the NCR's favour (after having worn a powder gang disguise to initialialy infiltrate their prison)...the NCR were now hostile to me, even though i was still showing "idolized" by them. (By way of example, I could still summon NCR Ranger/Trooper with NCR radio..but when they arrived they were hostile to me unless I was wearing NCR armour)...Reading through various forums it appears there is a glitch that causes NPCs to treat you as if you are still wearing a disuise even if you have removed it...and prob remains even if PC fast-travels or saves and relaods etc....After thinking about it, it occured to me that, heretofore, there seemed to me no useful game related reason to change hairstyle or appearance after character creation at start of game...so I visited "Sink Auto-Doc" ...I had already completed "Old World Blues" DLC...Using auto-doc I had "cosmetic surgery" and got a new haircut...when i returned back to the Moave, the NCR retruned to treating me with the respect, admiration and reverence that my "idolized" repution deserved!

Can anybody else confirm this working for them?

2questions about psych eval[]

does the same glitch apply to good natured (or anything else)?

what happens if you remove or add wild wasteland? do you get access to the alternate versions of things or do they stay however they were when you found them(Ex ufo vs mercenary camp. can i get alien blaster and yks?)

Another Trait question.[]

I decided to keep my Trigger disciline, but will it stack with the previous one like Skilled? I don't want to fire 40%, as opposed to the standard 20%, slower for the benefit of being 40% more accurate. Just wondering if it does or not. --Felix BrehhUser talk:Felix Brehh 10:26, June 6, 2012 (UTC)

Monkey island 2 reference?[]

I'm pretty sure the quote: "Zzz... The foot bone's connected to the... leg bone.. The leg bone's connected to the... purple bone." is a reference to Guybrush Threepwood's parents song during the game, anyone got the same impression? Gutomass (talk) 21:48, April 29, 2013 (UTC)

Skill madnes[]

Changing trait can realy redesign your character skills. Taking good natured and skilled and chosing tag! on next level can practicly make lower intelligance char expres to something they may only achive for 10 or so levels. Its realy cheaty if you take mentioned traits on character creation for basicly 65 free skill points and strong early level bost to all non weapon related skills and then when you gain acces to this you can get benefits of your chosing agen whit no penalty.

-15 DR Permanent!!![]

So after almost completing Old World Blues I realized I had -15 DR, so I starting backtracking through my saves and found the culprit. I had the traits Skilled and Logan's Loophole, was under the effects of Med-X and initiated the Psych Evaluation function on the Sink's Auto Doc to switch to Four-Eyes and Kamikaze. For some reason it removes 15 DR permanently! If I understand the mechanics of DR correctly I have been playing through OWB and fighting all the beefed up uniques while taking 15% extra damage from everything?!?! I don't have the PC version so I have no access to G.E.C.K. , can someone test this for me? Anyone have any ideas on how to remove it? Does DR function the same when in the negative? BTW this was on the PS3 Ultimate Edition. Thank you to any who can help, don't want to do all this crap over.

-Magus Vardlokkur

"The Sink Auto-Doc is somehow aware of deathclaws and ghouls, even though none of the creatures normally appear in Big MT."

This line seems quite incorrect. There are a large number of Chinese-American ghouls at Little Yangtze in the Big Mt. I am not sure why the knowledge of death claws is significant either, since they were a prewar military experiment, and Mobius (the programmer of the Auto-Doc) would likely have known of their existence. -- 18:29, May 30, 2017 (UTC)
