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Six Stealth Boys[]

When I went throughout the Vault I did not find any Stealth Boys and I am doing a second play through to see if I missed something, until then it probably should be taken down. I would also like to mention the Founder's Remains and Sinclair's Bag should be mentioned because of the Energy Weapons Skillbook.

Should be in a box in the central chamber with a note on it.
It appears items and loot in Dead Money differentiate per play. So for example in one run you may find 9 stealth boys where your second run you may only find 1. This applies to all loot in containers, lockers, Metal Boxes et cetera
From memory I found one (1) stealthboy my playthrough. Wesley.Jessup 18:53, June 5, 2012 (UTC)

Does this need to be renamed?[]

The journal entries refer to this area as "the Sierra Madre Vault," so where are we getting "Casino" from? Minor Edits 08:25, January 7, 2011 (UTC)

From what I got from the dialouge with Elijah, I thought that he was alluding to their being another area to the vault-talking about the technology hidden there-, an area which the player can't acess, but he may be able to with his skills etc. Meh, I don't recall their being many super weapons hidden down there (the Sierra Madre itself is another matter). =P

Re: Six Stealth Boys

There are no stealth boys in the cabinet with the Sierra Madre Armor. Corrected the article, it sounds like it was just a troll.

It isn't a troll. I just did it and got 5 of them. It's most likely a random number, and can be zero. 22:21, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

You just got 5 of what ? The "Safe" at the Sierra Madre Casino might be possibly referred to as a vault. Sure it had a big door and some supplies inside.. Beyond that it is just a BANK vault.

I do NOT think it needs renaming.

SaintPain TinySaintPain→ That was broke afore I got here." 22:40, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

Locations of Hologram Emitters[]

I dont know why people dont mention the hologram emitters in these pages, but in the hopes that some more people will post their location im willing to post the two emitters out of the three (I assume theres three because I took out two and one still remains) both emitters are located on a perilous ledge, you jump on top of the small "mini-room" that holds the terminal that turns off the force field and alarms by jumping from an open space on the catwalks you normally walk over to get there, you can tell because it will connect to the stair case that runs above the door you entered the room from. From there you climb the stair case and carefully walk (or run whatever floats your boat) and the first emitter (for the middle hologram) should be straight ahead looking North from the staircase. The second emitter (controls the left-most hologram) can be located by coming to the first intersection of the metal beams you walk on then following the beam West. Thats the only two I've found thus far, but I might be able to find the third (right-most hologram).--Forerunner93 19:18, April 19, 2011 (UTC)

Just to clarify, the first two emitters are on top of the rafters, usually directly above where the holograms are initially positioned. The last emitter is on the ceiling in the enclosed hallway to the right of the force-field door. --Bottletopman 08:32, May 22, 2011 (UTC)


is it now impossible to get all 37 gold bars out of the vault with the 1.5 update? could someone look into this?

I just did it without much trouble. All I did was make a half-stealthy-yet-encumbered beeline for the rear force field, and it didn't block me so I just walked through for the Safety Deposit Box achievement. I did save just before I got to the field, maybe that messed something up with script timing? Positronic Spleen 07:50, June 1, 2011 (UTC)
How I did this was quite simple. Carry all gold bars while encumbered to the rear force field (that Elijah does not walk through) and just drop them on the ground. Try and aim on dropping them on the other side of the force field. Once dropped you can kill Elijah or whatever then run out the the normal way through the obstacles. Right before you exit though grab the gold on the other side of the force field where you left it then crawl your way out. Wesley.Jessup 18:59, June 5, 2012 (UTC)
Just got all the bars/weapons out with 75 stealth, a stealth boy, and 1 Turbo. My guess is that you could do it with a lower stealth; or perhaps without the stealth boy at all. Leave vault, turn right, use 3rd person view, keep the large electric pylon between you and Elijah. Move around the pylon as he moves past you but don't enter the area of the floor he walked on or he will turn on the force field. When he gets to the monitor [MUST wait until he is at the monitor], pop the turbo, stand up and go through the door. You should make it. Note that I tried at least 10x without the Turbo, and I couldn't get there fast enough. Dogwjc 20:22, November 19, 2012 (UTC)


It is implied that there is another part of the vault that first must be figured out how to unlock. This is suggested in the dialogue with Elijah and endings. Although not directly stated it should be safe to imply for oneself. Someone should change the article as it is missleading, as there is more likely than not, another part of the vault with hologram tech and probably food too along with other..... facilities, as there is no way Vera would have survived on the petty amount in that front area.

- Actually she could last indefinitely via the vending machine. 11:04, May 28, 2013 (UTC)

- Don't want to disagree but I got the impression from the letter to Vera from Sinclair that he didn't anticipate her being there that long (didn't he imply in his letter that stated something along the lines "she'd be safe until rescue or when help arrived" - after the bombs fell). After all it wasn't supposed to be her but Dean Domino that Sinclair intended the Vault Trap for in the first place. I'm not convinced there is a further unexplored part of the Vault.

Reward / 37 Gold bars?[]

On the main page for the DLC under the section for Quests it mentions the last quest as "Heist of the Centuries" with a Reward of 37 Gold Bars. Is it really possible to escape the vault with all 37 Gold Bars with or without exploiting a repetitive glitch?

If Elijah is killed you have 60 seconds to make it to the Elevator but you are not able to go through the Force Field. Thus you have to take the long trek around the back way while encumbered. If you make it to the winding broken staircase you are unable to make it past since you can not jump while encumbered.

If you decide to avoid Elijah and make the long trek around back you are once again blocked by the broken stair case that you can not jump up to.

If you take advantage of a glitch and make it through the Force Field swapping with Elijah, you may have the 37 Gold Bars but you can't use the elevator to end the quest.

It has been suggested to drop the gold through the Force Field, kill Elijah, then run the long way. Has anyone succeeded dropping through the Force Field within 30 tries?

Bartlmay 05:57, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

I can confirm the force field trick. tips: don't stand too close to force field when dropping gold bricks they will disappear, run as fast as possable and switch to 3rd person view to pick them up, leave pleanty of time to get to the elevator it can be a little stressful.

- So on second run through this completely did my head in. Basically once you've completed the dialogue with him in the vault, turn immediately and go for the door. I put on the assassin suit used and an il fantoma also the stealth boy just to be sure.

Walk to the room directly across from the vault, head around to the area where elijah emerged from - aiming for the back entrance. As you pass the door then crouch and continue your way around. To add that i took turbo at some point on the journey to speed it up a bit (without it I seemed to just miss it). Ended up addicted for some reason?

Got in with a few seconds to spare and poor Elijah got stuck, achievement done. --Ruggerirish 00:37, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

Auxiliary Generator[]

Kind of a trivia find more than anything, but I found a generator to be repaired to the left/west of the door to the vault. Fixing it gives no experience and it does not seem to change any of the dialog or options with Elijah or the vault terminals. My guess is this was an abandoned minor quest or an optional way to trap Elijah inside. MadreAuxGenFixed MadreAuxGenMapMadreAuxGenRepair


I tried this with Rank II GRX, tons of Turbo, and all the Strong Back Perks, Level 10 STR, level 100 Sneak, Stealthboys, Stealth Suite Mk II, etc. (obviously used the console to cheat my stats and items for testing purposes). If you try to sneak out the way that Elijah comes in, it will automatically trigger the forcefield right as you reach it. I could not 'sneak' past Elijah using the swap 'glitch' that I was reading about, nor could I toss the items through the forcefield (they fall to my right, usually off the platform, unless I am facing left, then they drop forward, again off the platform usually). It does not matter if he sees you or not. You cannot take the short route. There is not enough perks in the game to make you able to carry 1295 lbs without becoming encumbered so you cannot leave the long way either. Not because of timing, because you have to make a long jump at one point. Too long to throw the items over, as well. SO: NO IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO GET ALL THE GOLD BARS (without using the console). BTW, I did 25x tries of this (counted them). It isn't a skill thing. Degrelescence 07:25, January 8, 2012 (UTC)

Did you try this on PC? Because I assume on Xbox and Ps3 it is still possible unless they somehow released an invisible patch to fix this. FelixRodriguez 08:18, January 8, 2012 (UTC)

It's perfectly possible. I just did it. No drop tricks or forcefield glitches. You have to "run" (waddle) out of the vault as soon as the terminal releases you, straight up the stairs across from the vault door, then crouch and sneak around the corridor to the right through the lowered forcefield. Then stay there until Elijah triggers his "OMG WTF HAPPENED" moment, at which point the forcefields go up and the elevator door unlocks. Epic win, carrying 1200 pounds of gold bars. Didn't use Turbo or any other chems, just 100 Sneak and a Stealthboy.
Do *not* try and come in the exact same way Elijah comes in, up those stairs. You have to avoid seeing him. You also have to make sure to use the terminal in the vault to turn off the security systems. Listen for the sirens to turn off. 03:43, January 17, 2012 (UTC)
You have to list the levels of your relevant skills for this to be worthwhile to others. What choices did you make during the conversation in the vault and what were the skill levels that enabled them? Some choices almost double the time it takes for him to arrive. GRPeng 04:14, May 16, 2012 (UTC)

i done this without any steath boy or whateva, i moved up the set of stairs and came from the back still hidden from elijah, walked upto the eletricforce feild door, dropped the gold and they fell through, killed elijah, ran like mad opend the door n there they were all 37 gold bars, remeber you have 60 seconds to get out of the vault. first attempt solved people

It is still possible to get all 37 bars out[]

Remember ? Before the patches you could blow yourself through the force field carrying the gold bars as Elijah lowered it. With the patch the force field will now blow you backwards off your feet.

  • xbox. Method with new patch. I have the patches up to date and an exit past the same door as Elijah comes though.Take the dialogue where Elijah comes down to meet you face to face at the vault entrance. Have 100% sneak. Immediately after the conversation run to the the vault door, pick up the gold where you should have placed it all as one bar, open the vault door and walk through.The door auto shuts. Turn right and in sneak mode hide behind the large round object sticking out of the floor with the electrical terminals on the top, keeping out of sight as Elijah comes from the lift, pauses to open the force field using his Pipboy, and walks down the steps. Elijah has now lowered all the interconnected force fields and left them down. Keep moving anti-clockwise round the base keeping yourself hidden.
  • Elijah pauses 4 times before getting to the Computer terminal.You must keep out of sight and still, during these pauses. When he gets to the terminal providing you have kept out of his line of sight his attention will then be on his Pip-Boy and the terminal. While he is unlocking the vault door you can stand up, walk up the steps and though the door carrying all the gold before he finds you are missing.

As a spy

  • If you stand up and walk out backwards up the steps to the door you can watch Elijah all the time and see that he is so intently focussed on the Pip-boy and terminal that he does not see you even though you are walking in full view. If you sneak up the steps it takes too long as there is only 1 second to spare in the timing before Elijah finds you are missing from the vault and raises the force field from his PipBoy.
  • Once you are safely past the door , watch as Elijah realizes his mistake and too late the force field is raised. With the force field now raised you can stand, watch and listen to his ranting before he finally activates your collar from his Pipboy and you have to turn and leave to take a slow walk to the unlocked lift. Tested three times in a row with total success --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 08:37, February 27, 2013 (UTC)

Worthless other than as decoration[]

300 per pound? Slightly better than baseball bats' value (250)? I'll pass. Keep some as souvenirs for the Mojave base "there is is, no shit, from fabled Sierra Madre itself~".

If you want money, a full circuit of Raided Farmstead, Allied Tech house, Highway viper camp, several farm location south of the New Vegas, will give you more loot than you can conveniently dispose of. And that's for vanilla New Vegas alone. With no need for bugs or trickeriesLaclongquan (talk) 10:58, March 12, 2013 (UTC)

  • Yep..agreed..I use them as paper weights..I had over 1.2 million caps before I even went to the Sierra Madre. But what can you give a gal that has it all? Some more :-) --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 11:51, March 12, 2013 (UTC)

Unique music?[]

I must ask this question to ensure that I'm not imagining things... when I first reached the Vault, throughout the entire area there was a unique music playing. It had a heavenly sound to it that screamed "you're reaching the end of the storyline". Something similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRTNLLdgI_0 But now, when I'm replaying the Vault section or even watching others play on YouTube, it's not there anymore. I am utterly confused. Anyone else who had this happen to them? - ZuTheSkunk (talk) 21:50, September 8, 2015 (UTC)
