Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I watched Sheffield take a direct hit from a Fat Man while I was escorting him from Diamond City to Sanctuary. He may be able to die from player fire, but he got right back up again from NPC fire. -- 05:23, January 12, 2016 (UTC)

I don't know if it's a bug or anything, but I recruited Sheffield and sent him to Sanctuary. Then I moved him to another settlement, and for all intents and purposes he is gone, I can't find him anywhere in any of my settlements or Diamond City. Even using console commands like "moveto.player" does nothing since the game does not recognize his base or ref IDs.

Sheffield disappearing may be caused by fast traveling after sending him to another settlement. The only way I've been able to make sure he reaches his destination is to run to the settlement he is sent to. He should be there, and you can resume the game as normal. Pay attention to how many settlers you have in that settlement. Say, if you have 15. You send him there, and now you have 16. If you try fast traveling, it may go back to 15 and he will be gone. Running there, the number should stay at 16, and he will already be there when you arrive. JMA4269 (talk) 02:10, January 19, 2016 (UTC)

I saw something weird with Sheffield. I just recruited Curie and rented a room at the Dugout Inn. I walked out to get the bit of Affinity from Curie for giving the Nuka-Cola. Except Sheffield was sitting backwards, he was facing the wall. I still got the misc. quest to give him the cola but I couldn't interact with him. The nearest interactive world object was the chem cooler next to him. I restarted my Xbox and reloaded to the autosave from leaving the Inn and everything looks fine.-- 03:00, February 27, 2016 (UTC)

William Salyer also voiced Embry from Skyrim, right? 05:29, May 5, 2016 (UTC)

Sheffield seems really keen on stealing your stuff too, more than anyone other settler that is, seemed every time I visited Sanctuary he would have gotten something different from the chest I had of weapons and clothing.... eventually I assigned him to an artillery so he just stands there :) DngnRdr (talk) 09:58, May 14, 2016 (UTC)

I would recommend not assigning him to your primary settlement. He stole my Big Boy and a Relentless Missile Launcher, and wouldn't give them back.

He won't shut up about the Nuka Cola or his liver, and the only way to trade with him (in my game anyways, might be a bug or 3 right there) is to assign him to a trade station and give him caps for the items he stole!

I am sending him to Sanctuary, and no longer care what happens to him. Had to spend 6000 caps to get my Big Boy back. Wish they would give us player containers only, but it sounds like that's impossible with the current engine...


Assigning him to a supply route is effective - in my latest game I assigned him the Sanctuary to Red Rocket route :) DngnRdr (talk) 05:06, July 25, 2016 (UTC)

The listed Xbox bug, where Sheffield can't be recruited, may also be present on PC. I've been trying for over a month to recruit him and just keep getting the "I . . . I don't think so" message. I've tried all possible dialogue options except "no," but at this point I'm almost thinking maybe I should try it to see if it shakes him loose. 11:50, May 17, 2018 (UTC)
