Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Scruffy in Vault 81?[]

I just was exploring Vault 81, when i came across a cat there named Scruffy. After i left Vault 81, i went to Vault 118 to see if that Scruffy was still there. When i went back to Vault 118 after finding the Vault 81 Scruffy, the one there was missing. I created started this article while i was working on the "Brain Dead" quest and there was a Scruffy in the Riggs' room when i first met Bert and Julianna when they were arguing. I have no idea if i just encountered a wierd bug or if there are 2 Scruffys in the game. A PC player who has the ability to find out what character IDs are may need to help with confirming this. The Cat Master (talk) 05:59, June 29, 2016 (UTC)

Bug - cat missing[]

Scruffy is no where to be seen in Vault 118 as of update 1.8 and 1.9. I tried the quest 3 times and this cat never appear in any of them (1st time with update 1.8, 2nd and 3rd with update 1.9). Some video on Youtube show the cat in earlier updates, but lastest update video show no cat. 22:23, February 15, 2017 (UTC)
