Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Missing Laser Pistol Glitch?[]

This area is supposed to hold the missing laser pistol, but it is not there. I have seen a video showing it on the large rock next to the dead wastelander, but when I go there it is not there. I didn't use explosives so ti couldn't have been blown somewhere. Is there a glitch that makes it disappear?

It only shows up after you talk with the initiate who left it there twice.

Blue star cap[]

Found on dead body of waste lander near boulder, random or is it always there? DonutHands 19:10, November 19, 2010 (UTC)


Anyone think that this place resembles Shalebridge from fallout 3? Both have lots of glitches, both primarily have insects as enemies, and both contain a bodies that respawn hard to find items (Big Book of Science in Fallout 3 and the Blue star caps for this game)
