Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Save Burning Verification[]

Saved right before jumping in the forge to see whether or not I would die. Was in power armor, and it took forever, so I went to make a sandwich. Died, reloaded, and I wasn't burning despite standing right next to the forge upon reload. - 12:03, November 23, 2015‎

Possible fix for the molten metal skin texture glitch?[]

I got the molten metal skin texture glitch where you're permanently covered in it after killing Slag. Tried reloading a few different saves from before the fight, and it didn't remove it. So, annoyed as I was, I decided to try standing in the forge itself and see if dying in it would remove the texture. And lo and behold, when my save reloaded, it was gone.

No clue if this works for all platforms (I have it on the Xbox One), but I figured it might be a possible fix for someone else frustrated by this. --ShibuMizaku (talk) 13:56, December 1, 2015 (UTC)

Duplicate power armors from Slag

Shot his fusion core and forced him to get out, and saved afterwards. When I loaded, he spawned with another power armor, with the one he got out standing next to him. Shot his second core and saved after he got out, reloaded and duplicated the third armor. However he instantly got out of the third armor. I guess the reason behind this is that he had a second fusion core in his inventory. Successfully produced 4th and 5th power armor before the wannabe raider killed him. I think he is supposed to spawn with his power armor, therefore it is possible to produce an unlimited number of power armors until he is killed by the other NPC by quicksaving, going back to the main menu, and then loading. Couldnt try to reproduce, will verify ASAP.

Interior broken[]

In my save, the interior area (SaugusIronworks01) is completely broken:

  • After going through the door from the exterior, the framerate drops significantly and the PC immediately starts falling through the floor.
  • Using tcl to get back to the level, a lot of objects are either missing (any door to the outside or to the furnace for instance, also the molten metal inside the small furnaces) or in the wrong place. A bunch of stuff is gathered right in front of the door in particular, including a small furnace. For some reason, the framerate goes back to normal in tcl mode.
  • Removing tcl makes the PC fall through anything solid (no matter where I flew to before that, not even the catwalks) and the whole thing happens again.
  • The area does not seem to have refreshed (no enemies or new loot), which is weird since I came back after seeing enemies had respawned outside.

Other notes:

  • I'm on PC, no outstanding problem before, version is 1.3 beta (might be important). Vanilla otherwise, no mod installed, and I only used the console once to fix a broken BoS radiant quest (which seems relatively safe).
  • I checked the Blast Furnace area with coc and it's fine, which is a good thing since I haven't done (at least) Here There Be Monsters yet.
  • I can take a few screenshots and/or a video capture but I've never seen those here on the wiki so I'm holding out for now.

EDIT: I plan to avoid the area in the future so to avoid backtracking I went and recorded a video capture of the bug. If it's helpful I can upload it somewhere and link it here. 02:02, February 9, 2016 (UTC)

The area returned to normal after installing the 1.4 beta patch. I'm removing my previous note on the main page. 21:35, March 10, 2016 (UTC) (dynamic IP, I was the one to report this)