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Fallout Wiki


Upon entering the facility you can pass a persuasion check with the attendant, convincing him that you are checking in. He will give you the key to Gladys's room, which contains a steamer trunk plus some military clothes & equipment.

Gladys is not in the room. It seems possible she is related to some other quest. Perhaps a Synth quest as Synths ambush you in the home. If anyone can fill any details here, please do. Seems logical to have a section on this.

  • There are three characters called Gladys mentioned in the game files. One is mentioned in reference only by Bill Huntley at the Covenant so nothing else known and unlikely. The Gladys in the Home who we know has some military background and was living there at the time of the Great War (most likely killed along with the other residents as they appear mostly dead insitu).

There is a third called Gladys Maxwell featured in a terminal record from University Point (DN088_MayorsSubTerminalCouncil[001D83A6]). She is recorded in the mayor's meeting minutes as asking if an Institute representative (probably Kellogg) at the meeting (the Institute wanted some pre war tech from there) was not tricking the committee ("Gladys Maxwell asks how we can be sure this isn't a trick")

This was in the recent past as University Point was a settlement that was wiped out by Institute Synths in the year 2285. So there is'a' Gladys with Institute connections. However, the Gladys here is referred to in the Home terminal which was presumably entered before the Great War and therefore she could not be the same personal some 200 years later. As we have no family name it is not possible to surmise any further link to anyone surviving.

The likeliest option is that she is one of the skeletal remains around the living quarters of the Home. Although I would like to think she had made one last 'great escape' before the bombs arrived...

Check out the fake bus stop outside the Home that is mentioned in her terminal entry (escaped three times to there where the Mister Handies had not checked) where there is a Suitcase and Walking cane, together with a female skeleton behind it! (maybe bugged, for me sticking out of the sand feet first) --Lunamoonraker (talk) 01:25, January 19, 2016 (UTC)

In my unmodded, updated version of the game the suitcase contained a bobby pin and a military cap, for what it's worth. It would be interesting to know if that's random loot or pre-set. There was a skeleton in a dress behind the bus stop sticking out of the sand (her head was in the sand). 22:00, April 20, 2019 (UTC)

Possible Jaws movie reference[]

If leaving the building and looking out at the bay one can see a boat. A shark seems to have jumped on the back of the boat, killing a guy on it. There is also a blue bandana there. I think this is a clear reference to the Jaws-Movie ([1]). Someone who knows more about movies should check this and maybe add it to the main page.


Placing mines to combat the synths apparently has no effect, because as soon as the synths spawn, the mines go off, but they take no damage from them.--AleximMose (talk) 05:02, April 7, 2016 (UTC)

Lore Discrepancy[]

I'm not familiar with this wiki, so before I edit the page I thought I'd ask.

Would it be worth mentioning the lore discrepancy regarding Randall's room? The computer downstairs says his key is under the deer head mounted on the wall, but what's mounted on the wall is a radstag, a post-war mutated deer. There is no way Randall could've hunted a radstag since he perished in the Great War. User signature henioo henioo (da talk page) 21:04, March 12, 2020 (UTC)

It is mentioned in the last paragraph in the background section.--Ant2242 (talk) 00:59, March 13, 2020 (UTC)
