Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Can anyone make a 3D model of San Francisco like there is for Shady Sands/NCR? or draw up a 2D Sketch? Is there anywhere that has all of these already? Any help appreciated Bio Enhancment 411 11:22, May 31, 2010 (UTC)

New Vegas timeline[]

Might it be an idea to add that by the time of New Vegas it is likely that San Francisco is now part of the NCR, seeing as both Colenal James Hsu and Bear Force One( a reference to the steal the Vertibird plans quest) come from here?

I would agree. I do think that San Francisco is part of the NCR by 2281.

That's circumstantional evidence at best, their are asian Enclave Soldiers in Fallout 3 so did the Enclave pick up Shi recruits? Ultimately it's un-confirmed infomation and shouldn't be present as a fact. The Vertibird could just as easily be from when the Enclave captured Navarro. Adam James Walker 14:51, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

As yet there is no evidence that it is still under Shi control, especially considering 40 years have passed and the NCR has expanded everywhere. Unless someone can demonstrate proof that it is still under Shi control, the article should reflect the ambiguous situation that leans towards NCR influence. I will continue to maintain the article as such, barring proof otherwise. 01:39, October 24, 2011 (UTC)

Given the long list of Anglo first names and Chinese surnames at the Boulder City memorial, one would assume that the Shi have integrated into the NCR. 02:41, December 12, 2011 (UTC)

Given the Shi's interest in maintaining their cultural heritage, their scientific wealth, and the NCR's considerable more measured approach when compared to the tactic of cultural assimilation used by Caeser's Legion, it seems more likely the Shi would be allowed to remain in control of the area under the proviso they act as an allied state to the NCR. Making unnecessary war's never really been how either faction operates. 08:55, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I find it odd no factions or characters from SF appear or are referenced in FONV. San Francisco even isnt mentioned. Is James Hsu from there? Is this info in the game. Also I would like to add if you side with the argument that SF is part of the NCR and the Shi is still present in SF, then why didn't Mr. House learn of "civilization" when he sent many salvaging teams over many decades(starting during the time period of FO2, when he woke) while looking for the platinum chip in Sunnyvale? I think SF was destroyed and the survivors' descendants had no choice but to join the NCR. In Van Buren, SF was destroyed but you still have Shi survivors, like Xian, a Boulder Dome scientist. She grew up in San Francisco as part of the Shi, but while still fairly young, she moved to NCR as part of an exchange program. --Wert1978 (talk) 14:19, August 24, 2013 (UTC)

New Vegas tag?[]

Why does this page have a Fallout: New Vegas icon at the top? I don't recall it even being mentioned in said game, and it certainly didn't appear in the game. Digital Utopia (talk) 06:12, July 9, 2014 (UTC)
