Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Cutting Down Rank Table[]

Is it worthwhile for me to cut down the rank table a bit? The sheer size of a table that's 100 rows in height with mostly cumulative info that can be inferred from other rows seems redundant. I'm thinking a table with the first 10 ranks, then each 10th rank after that is probably better UX. For example:

Rank Cumulative S.C.O.R.E. S.C.O.R.E . required for next rank
1 0 1000
2 1000 1025
3 2025 1050
4 3075 1075
5 4150 1100
6 5250 1125
7 6375 1150
8 7525 1175
9 8700 1200
10 9900 1225
20 23275 1475
30 39150 1725
40 57525 1975
50 78400 2225
60 101775 2475
70 127650 2725
80 156025 2975
90 186900 3225
100 220275 -

It might need to be mentioned in a footnote that the ranks in between jumps have been culled for readability but it'd help make the page be a better size.

  • I'd be down with cutting it, yeah, it definitely helps readability. Of course, we need to A) make the formula painfull clear, so theres no confusion. Every level requires 25 more SCORE than the one before it and whatnot. And yeah, i'd also note "this is a trimmed table for readability". If you do those two, then it shouldnt be an issue. --DankalorYT 15:44, July 1, 2020 (UTC)

SCORE Rank Graph[]

I've noticed people want to add a graph that shows the linear scale of SCORE and I do believe something like this could be useful. However, my issue with the one currently added is that it's:

  • difficult to read the tooltips on desktop
  • broken on mobile

I believe if we're to add a graph like this, it's best to do it through a means outside of CSS. My initial suggestion is a graphing library of some sort. If we have one already installed, then great. Otherwise, we may have to look at other options, such as just using an image, using a HTML5 canvas to draw it, or Google charts.

I would say use an example from elsewhere, but the place I thought I'd be most likely to see one, the Level page (which deals with extremely similar data and formulae) doesn't have any.

--User: ASeriousGamer 14:26, July 2, 2020 (UTC)

That was my initial guess, but Extension:Graph is currently out of order with no timetable for fixing it (updating the core Mediawiki takes time). The graph was an attempt by me at creating it - I think it could also be done with a simple static image. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 14:58, July 2, 2020 (UTC)

Hmm, that's a shame. An image might do for now then even if it's not as interactive. I can use the Excel sheet I used for the SCORE table and generate a basic table out of it until there's news on the Graph extension being fixed. --User: ASeriousGamer 15:08, July 2, 2020 (UTC)


SCORE Requirement Chart Draft

This is a 1st draft of the score requirement chart, not sure if I like having the 2 vertical axis, and whether we need cumulative score shown but I added it on just for now. --User: ASeriousGamer 17:03, July 2, 2020 (UTC)

Uneven Increment[]

I've noticied that Rank R52 (getting to R53) requires 2300 additional SCORE, instead of the expected 2275. You would expect 3 jumps from Rank 50 to go 2200,2225,2250,2275, though there's a jump of +50 here. Only noticied because I have two screenshots at R49 and R52 so the +50 jump must have happened between these, e.g. 2200,2250,2275,2230. Too late for a long winded answer, but should have occured at R51 such that R50 (going to R51) requires 2200 SCORE and R51 (going to R52) requires 2250 SCORE. 00:49, October 2, 2020 (UTC)Chron
