Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This saving strategy does not work! Everytime I tried to escort him this way to the main entrance he becomes immediatly shot down by the slaver with the minigun!

  • Steal the ammo off of everyone.GodsHand 16:13, March 29, 2010 (UTC)

Megaton destroyed; where's Rory?[]

See title.

Since Megaton is now a smoldering black crater in the middle of nowhere, where does Rory run off to after you save him?

--PwnzerfaustMonk 01:23, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

  • I would say Megaton, but most likely just stays outside. It's hard enough just escourting him to Megaton, as he takes a extermly long route, and has to fight everything within his perception range. But after many tries, I got him there with only using 4 stimpaks on him (reversed pickpocket 8 of them on him). I stole back what he did not use, and I let him keep the Assualt Rifle, and the 1 round bullet for it. (It's funny how he only has 1 round, but can shoot like he has 10,000 rounds).GodsHand 16:13, March 29, 2010 (UTC)

Where is this Box[]

I can't find this box, where is it.

Take a right at the slave penns in the back, its the fallout shelter behind the pile of rubble. Also, sign your comments please. - Redmess 13:20, November 13, 2009 (UTC)

New Bug: Rory as follower.[]

Process: I worked with the youngúns in Little Lamplight to free them. I did everything, including distracting Forty. I took Rory to the children's pen to be with Penny. I locked them there safely while I obliterated the town. I had Jericho with me, and he died during the firefight. After all the killing was done, Penny ran off down the drain and Rory followed me and the other adult slaves to the front. Rory stayed just outside the gate outside, refusing to move and giving his usual statement. When I fast=travelled, he was my follower. He follows me in permanent sneak mode. I can't get rid of him as far as I know, short of killing him. 02:08, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

This is happening to me too, he keeps following me with the "talk fast..." dialogue. I'm playing on Xbox 360 with latest updates as of August 17th.

ditto. on PC. latest updates. i'm sure

Again, this, PC, latest updates, May 2012.

Bugs - Rory not leaving Paradise Falls[]

"Sometimes upon leaving Paradise Falls (having freed him, armed/armored him and let him shoot his way through the now weaponless slavers) he will not leave the entrance, he stays squatting in front of the door to the "inside" of the shopping center, he had already started using his dialog from Megaton, "Hey. Talk fast, they hate it when I talk to customers", but will not follow anymore, or run off on his own."

After arming Rory, letting him kill all the Slavers, and exiting Paradise Falls, I encountered this bug.

Upon retrying the tactic of arming him, I talked to Rory before leaving the entrance. He gave the "get back in there" and save Penny dialogue, then I received good karma, and then he left Paradise Falls on his own. Talking to him before leaving the Paradise Falls entrance may be how to avoid this bug. This was on PS3.

The explanation to how to receive karma from helping him on the article makes NO sense and whoever typed that up should have their scrotum ripped off. Rewrite it please.

Okay, I did some more video-ing tonight and made a brief tutorial on how to deliberately make Rory follow you even after completing the quest. The video is up at YouTube. Does anybody have any objection to me linking to it in the article? -- Yukichigai 04:23, September 30, 2010 (UTC)

Rory a Vault 77 Dweller?[]

I saw on the Puppet Man page that in the notes section it says he calls himself a Vault 77 Dweller, is this true?--Chiefsean16 16:53, December 17, 2009 (UTC)


Should the 'Quotes' and 'Behind the Scenes' sections not be merged somehow? They say almost exactly the same thing.--Marshmallow2166 02:06, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

Done. Nitty Tok. 02:10, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

What if you leave Rory in the Jefferson Memorial?[]

I've been able to permanently place Rory wherever I want to with the speed travel bug. Instead of immediately speaking to the children before exiting Paradise Falls, I speed traveled to Tenpenny Tower, and told him to wait right next to Mr. Tenpenny.So I went back to the children and spoke to them, and, now Rory stays with Mr. Tenpenny.

What if you placed Rory in the Jefferson Memorial, before it was taken over by the enclave? Or in the Rotunda? Wouldn't that be bad-ass if he killed/fought Colonel Autumn after he pulled out his gun?

Test some things out. I want to hear!

Ive got a mate called Rory Mallinson possible refference. 06:57, September 30, 2010 (UTC)

Anyone Notice?[]

For the heck of it I reversed-pickpocket an alien blaster to see if he could stand a chance at surviving, when he engaged the slavers he said generic slaver dialogue like "Eulogy wants this ones head". Found it quite humorous since Eulogy put him in that position in the first place. Cripto136 17:32, June 13, 2012 (UTC)

The part "If you want him to live, tell him that he's on his own then wait an hour. He'll be in Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton." is total bull. Not only does it lead to him getting killed trying to fight the slavers by himself, but whenever I try to use VATS, everything goes black.

Still no solution?[]

I've triggered Rory as a follower twice by the same method:

  1. Free kids, talk to Penny.
  2. Open box, talk to Rory, tell him to follow, then to wait.
  3. Talk to Penny, she leaves and joins the others at the outside grate.
  4. Tell Rory to follow.
  5. Close to box, with Rory inside.
  6. Run to the exit. (This part may need several attempts, as 9 times out of 10, Rory leaves the box and gets killed.)
  7. Open outside Paradise Falls, if Rory wasn't killed, he will also be outside - as others have mentioned, he will not move.
  8. Either push Rory a short distance away from the exit, or fast travel. (He is never targeted by Grouse and the other guard, btw.)
  9. Rory can be told to wait and follow. He will not re-enter paradise falls, but will enter other interiors, although he does not always fast travel - I think it may be related to distance, but I am unsure.
  10. After speaking to the kids at the outside grate, Rory then says only his bar line.

I saved before freeing the kids, and would like to find a method to save him without killing the slavers.
I will next test getting him outside the fence before informing Penny he is free, as while writing this up it has occurred to me that this is the most likely cause of this instance of the bug.
Others have mentioned "talking to him inside the entrance to Paradise Falls" - does this refer to talking to him before exiting the Paradise Falls interior area, or before passing the guard post with Grouse?
Insidethevault (talk) 14:11, July 4, 2014 (UTC)

Test complete, skipped step 3 and didn't tell Penny I had freed Rory until he was outside of Paradise falls. Unfortunately, there was no change. Rory stayed still at the entrance until I pushed him clear, stayed outside when I went back in, and after I talked to the 3 kids outside, he only says his bar line.
I can only conclude that there is a "Rory is now free" trigger near the exit inside' of Paradise Falls, and that you're not intended to free him without killing the slavers.
Has anyone else:
  • Triggered the "before exiting" conversation and kept Rory as a follower?
  • Not triggered the "before exiting" conversation but had Rory go free?
  • Gained Karma for freeing Rory, without killing the slavers?
Insidethevault (talk) 16:53, July 4, 2014 (UTC)

Rory Maclaren in the Pitt & Point Lool Out.[]

I have not seen anybody mention that once you get Rory Maclaren following you he will follow you into and around the Pitt, into and around Point Look Out, just the same as in the Capital Wasteland but not Mothership Zeta.. XBOX360 GOTY Edition. All add ons loaded. --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 20:50, December 1, 2014 (UTC)
