Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Oddest thing ever, the work bench was illegal to use, but the bottlecap mine under it was fine to take =/ ~~     Frvwfr2     talk    contribs   21:17, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

Having trouble with the swimming part...I always run out of air :( Where is that hollow shaft exactly? 22:03, 12 December 2008 (UTC)
It's just a short bit in, second room I think. I lockedpicked last time I went there, so I'm not entirely sure. But it's not super-easy, I remember that. :) Mirar 22:46, 12 December 2008 (UTC)


The computer near Pinkerton says it's locked and needs a key. Where does one get this key? My dialog with Pinkerton is very limited since I already gave the android component to that other guy. Not sure if that's what has closed things off for me... Khono 22:15, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Edit/Answer: You can get the password through dialog with Pinkerton but only if you haven't progressed past obtaining the android component. Meaning, you've gone to far. You'll be unable to open it. It doesn't really matter, it doesn't contain anything useful once you've already given the component away.

Infinite xp (25 lockpick required)[]

Enter the bow, and go to the very hard locked door leading to Rivet City. Use the electric switch to unlock it (unless you have 100 lockpick and entered this way) then use the switch again. The door should now be an easy rather than very hard lock. Pick it, re enter, and use the switch again to re lock the door. Repeat as desired. 16:32, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

EDIT: if you break the lock, activate the switch 2 times and it will be pickable (if that is a word) again. 16:35, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

No Paint Gun?[]

No Dart Guns?

So, before buying the Dart Gun schematics, i had found paint guns everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Then, i bought it, and now i can't find them anywhere. I've spent the past 2 hours trying to find one paint gun. Just one.

Anyway, I was reading around and someone said there'd be at least one in here, which the wiki confirmed saying there is at least one of every crafting item for a weapon in here... yet i can't find a paint gun in here?

Is there one? If so, please share. I've looked EVERYWHERE. 06:48, January 20, 2013 (UTC) Claire

A mistake?[]

I'm surprised that no one else realized that the bow is actually the stern and vice versa, its surprising to see a mistake of that type. --Swedishfalloutpootis (talk) 11:28, November 13, 2015 (UTC)
