Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Impossible to Acquire Duck and Cover?[]

There is no way to get the Duck and Cover book out from underneath the bed. The Duck and Cover page just says that there is no way to get it out.

Just added information on how to get Duck and cover. Tried the same method that was used for a similar circumstance in fallout 3, where a book was stuck underneath a step ladder, and you placed tons of explosives near it.

I'm trying this myself and having no luck getting it. I'm using all the explosives I can find too. --Clean Up 19:13, May 12, 2011 (UTC)

Worked for me. Try getting the c4 in the crack between the head of the bed and the wall so that they are lieing on the floor. I added 3 frag mines to the mix and a gas bomb. Lit it off with a grenade and it was on the floor about 3 feet from the bed :) Took about 5 tries though...

Is it supposed to be visible under the bed? Because I cant even see it. ReapTheChaos 02:28, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

I tried every method in the bugs section (albeit with 3 c4, 1 frag mine, 6 frag grenades and a gas tank). Not one of them worked. So after a while I found that I kept crippling my companion who was directly under the bed, so I wondered why in gods name my explosives had to be down the side of the bed. So to begin, I threw a grenade at the side of the bed near the suitcases so it blew the skill book into view under the other side of the bed. Then I places 2 c4 in the corner, one against the headboard, another against the side fairly close together. I then placed my third c4 on the bed along with a frag mine and a gas bomb. My explosives essentially surrounded the book, and when I tirggered the explosion via frag grenade down the crack of the bed, I watched the skill book get propelled towards the wall that hides the stairs. The point of my little essay is that all of the tactics should not revolve around putting 200 frag grenades down the sides of the bed when it can be simpler than that. SamGhadiali 11:02, July 2, 2011 (UTC)

Try throwing a grenade down the side of the bed so that the book gets blown into a visible spot on the other side. Place the C-4 on the side of the bed against the wall (one down the side) and Frag Mines all over the bed but not on the side you can see it from. Equip the detonator, save the game and pull the trigger. If it's still stuck, reload the save and start hitting fire. As soon as the game loads, you'll pull the trigger and the book should be blown free. Worked 7/10 times. --Minuos 17:27, September 4, 2011 (UTC)

2 of Spades location?[]

I'm looking all over the entire western half of the map and I've yet to encounter it. Please tell me I'm not the only person who is on the verge of believing the info is incorrect :<

Wandrian 23:27, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

It's behind the bed in a 2nd floor room with a pressure plate/rigged shotgun. Check the Caravan card page. --Minuos 23:53, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Shucks, can't believe that was the one bed I didn't look behind. Also, death to the ridiculously vague description of the location. As in, it's mildly improved >.> Wandrian 20:58, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

Return Outfit?[]

First time using this so forgive me if I do this wrong, please =)

The page mentions that a "Return Outfit" tape is found in "a store near Dean's room" but I can only see one store, the one where the playing card is found across the stairs to Dean's room. Am I looking in the wrong spot because I'm not finding it anywhere. Thanks in advance

M24bm 03:52, October 5, 2011 (UTC)

Hey, you did everything properly. So I think I know what the problem is. According to this http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vending_machine_code#Vending_machine_code_-_.22Return_outfit_item.22 that item is cut content. If so, I don't know why the heck that item has been put on this page. I'm removing it unless somebody can give us contrary evidence. --EarthboundD 22:37, November 29, 2011 (UTC)

Arggg, it isn't cut content, I discovered it recently in the Villa. However I kinda forget where it is now... Sigh... point is it does exist! It's close to the residential area entrance. --EarthboundD 01:09, November 30, 2011 (UTC)

Frisky Dingo in Dead Money?[]

I found this photograph of some characters from Frisky Dingo in the South-East corner of the Residential District. I can't tell if this is a side-effect of some mod or actually part of the game. It's not mentioned anyone in this article; as far as I can tell Google doesn't recognize it either.

http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:DeadMoney_FriskyDingo1.jpg http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:DeadMoney_FriskyDingo2.jpg

-Adam weiler (talk) 22:24, June 23, 2013 (UTC)
