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Fallout Wiki

has anyone else noticed that the strength gain in this perk and the other spine-related perk aren't directly to your core s.p.e.c.i.a.l. by that i mean that the gain won't be taken into effect when leveling up. it's considered an effect which is normal to some temporary stat gain perks (e.g. solar powered) but not to permanent stat gain perks (e.g. all the special implants from the NV medical center) and the permanent trait effect of small frame. I'm not sure whether this is intentional or not or whether anyone else also has noticed this or even if i have a glitch and everyone else's does add to the core strength. this affects me on both this perk and the spineless perk. if anyone has any other information could they please add to this talk page or the spineless talk page.

Ah, so this explain why I see the (+) in my stats. The devs maybe did this on purpose and not a bug, otherwise you can abuse the game with the DLC for creating a weak courier at the Vit-O-Matic and spend the points in other skills, instead of having to choose in what your character would be strong. I can be wrong, of course. Brfritos 06:43, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Bonuses added via ability affect base actor values if they have no conditions. The abilities for Spineless and Reinforced Spine check to see if you have the perk. You'd never have the ability without the perk, so this would only have been done to intentionally apply a condition to the abilities, which thereby makes the abilities not affect base actor value. Non-technical version: they meant to do this.--SushiSquid 01:54, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Reinforced Spine Perk not fully working![]

Has anyone else had a prob with this perk? It is only giving me +1 Str instead of the +2 Str. Is this a glitch or script problem!?

The ability for Reinforced Spine adds 2 strength. You either have a mod that changes this or a -1 strength effect from some other source.--SushiSquid 01:55, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
I ran into the problem aswell, Sushi, it's not a mistake. The issue appears to be that if you already have the Strength Implant from the New Vegas Clinic, Reinforced Spine will not stack with it. I had 5 str base, got the Str implant to go to 6, then to 7 when I entered Big MT. Upgrading to Reinforced Spine at the end of old world blues did not increase my Str; it stayed at 7. When I removed the strength implant perk with the console, it stayed at 7 (player.removeperk 0014C069). When I re-added it with 'player.addperk 0014C069', my strength went up to 8. 00:16, January 1, 2012 (UTC)