Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Come back[]

So, after you get captured and escaped, can you come back? I mean, if you don't get Eden to blow it all up of course.--Three Dog 02:56, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

G'day. By return, I mean you can click on the map location (top left) Raven Rock and you find yourself outside of the compound. Whether you destroy it or not, you cannot go into the facility. However, you can still remain outside of the place, where fleeing soldiers can be found (and they respawn too!)

Just thought someone might like to know that Raven Rock is a real place located in South Eastern Pennsylvania. It is actually a military command bunker and the backup headquarters of the dept of homeland security, among other classified things. Like many of the locations in the game this one is based on a real life place.

Turning Raven Rock Hostile[]

It's possible to turn the inhabitants of Raven Rock hostile not long after you arrive, even if you succeed the speech check near the beginning. Going down to level 2 from level 3 is enough to trigger it, at which point you're fighting pretty much everyone in the base immediately after you are captured and deprived of the G.E.C.K. —Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

That's because the Colonel tells the soldiers to disregard the President's orders. It's a scripted event. 10:17, May 24, 2010 (UTC)HairBySnowflake

The Bug[]

This bug runs far deeper, or at least broader, than Raven Rock alone. It's what I call the Restock Bug. Every few days, scripted enemies (like Raiders at Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast) will respawn. Not only that, some containers will refill with items, apparently just from leaving the area.

I agree with the assessment in the article. This is either a bug, intentional to allow the player to gain stock of repair items or components for custom gear, or a both. NightChime 05:49, 27 November 2008 (UTC)

In Raven Rock in particular, the soldiers do not fight - they're immediately in flee mode. Is there anywhere else in the game that gives such easy access to power armor and the like?

HungSoLow 12:35, 27 November 2008 (UTC)

Yes. Just north of Vault 101 is what I call "The Rocky Knoll". You can snipe Enclave troops and almost always get sneak attacks. Not quite as easy, but sniping people is always fun. Paul (Evil) 15:21, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
Thats not a bug it's an intentional game function unless the same gltich was in Oblivion. If enemies weren't intended to respawn then the "Doesn't play well with others" achievement would be very hard to get. Blestb 15:05, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

you can do "something" with the verti after making them flee and then stick on the top of the coumpound.[]

? heh i blew up two of the three verti above the compound after i initiated the bug where they fly off, and then stay there because the player has entered / exited before the quest. so... i guess you can do something with them

To the person who mentioned TES IV, i believe the reference there was to one of the expansions for TES III, where you build a settlement called Raven Rock. This is probably the same, unless it was named in some Fallout canon before that game was made.

[1] There's your reference. --Solbur 21:55, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

The 6 followers bug[]

Does it have to be in that order? Can't you get any follower first, then get fawkes with good karma, then star palladin with good, then Rl3 with neutral, then clover with bad, then dogmeat?-- 14:46, 29 March 2009 (UTC)

You might want to consider getting getting bad fallowers then neutral then Fawkes because he is programed to think you are alone if you leave before he can talk to you, then make Cross follow you with your other followers by making her " want what she can't have" then Dogmeat. --Wastelander6969 09:09, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

Moved From Page[]

To as much armor that you can hold, get strength 10, bring nothing that has any weight except one Enclave Power Armor (or Tesla Armor) and have your repair maxed out. Using this, I was able to get four perfectly repaired Enclave Armor, and a perfectly repaired Tesla Armor.

Moved this from the page, as "strategy" isn't an acceptable section for a location anyway, and it's not a stragegy pertaining to the section, but to getting maximum equipment. -DragonJTSLeave me a message 22:58, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

moved from article[]

  • It is possible to go back inside Raven Rock! (You will only be able to go as far as the room with Eden in it.) Right after you exit Raven Rock Level 1, don't go further and activate the outer hatch. Instead, fast travel to a location and later fast travel back. The door will be wide open and you can shoot it as mentioned above and jump through the doorway and get back inside. (Make sure you save before doing this as I am not sure if it works every time, and also I don't know if Fawkes will be in the Underworld and if it effects your chance to have him as an ally or not.)
  • It is also possible to re-enter Raven Rock after the related quest if the player uses a console command to toggle collisions (console command: tcl). This may be handy if a player wishes to loot Raven Rock (Power Armour and Laser Rifles left behind), however level 2C is inaccessible and therefore the cheat/glitch will not assist a player trying to retrieve a missed bobblehead doll. In addition the player may discover under these circumstances that President Eden still exists, though responds only with silence if the player attempts to talk to him/it. Curiously the player will find that neither the caged Deathclaw nor the Enclave Sentry bots display any hostility toward him/her in this situation.
  • It's possible to reenter Raven Rock but as stated above, you cannot go beyond the room just before the tower with Eden(where the two sentry bots take out the enclave soldiers as you walk in the room, from level 2. Its a bit less touchy than stated above. When you exit to the wasteland just blow off the door as you are coming out and you can walk up the stairs, just don't go to the top, if it gives you a completion message for that section of the American Dream quest, you've gone to far and will have to try again. You can walk up the stairs and take out some of the soldiers that Fawkes is fighting off if you want the XP. Standing up there will make it easier to trigger him running up to you. But all you really need to do is wait until the soldiers are dead so you can fast travel away, which will trigger the quest stage completion but sealing the door wont happen and you can just fast travel back and reenter and your leisure, however your followers wont join you inside, they'll be outside. You don't have to get Fawkes for it to work, you can go recruit other followers however you want to use multi-follower glitches. Haven't tested to see if still open beyond American Dream quest completion, so it may block off again afterwards. But that really makes no differences if you've already looted the place. And of course you can't get back in at all if you blew it up.
  • On PC, there IS a way to get Bobblehead Energy Weapons if you didn't take it when at Raven Rock (if Anna Holt is still there):

1. Open console.

2. Type: player.moveto 38df6

And suprise, suprise: You arrived next to Anna Holt at Raven Rock! I managed to get code for one of the signs at Raven Rock, try it if Anna Holt's code doesn't work: 000b2b16

Jansku99 17:39, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

  • 1 reason Fawkes disappears is that he is trying chase down the Enclave soldiers that he is fighting. Another reason Fawkes disappears is that he is trying to run to where you are. So if you fast traveled to the power station nearby, he will already be half way there when you go back to Raven Rock. However, if you fast travel to somewhere far, like the underworld, he won't move. Best way to do this to leave Raven Rock accessible and get Fawkes as a free follower (allowing you to get 6 regular companions):
    • After escaping from Raven Rock to the Capitol wasteland, you will be in a short tunnel. Go forward until you get the "You have found Raven Rock" message. If you have already found it previously, just move forward until the the hatch starts to open, but do not go past the hatch.
    • On your radar, you will see 1 friendly and 3-4 hostiles, the friendly will be Fawkes, here to rescue you. Wait for him to kill all the enclave soldiers. He will then move towards you if you are near, or stop moving if you are too far away. So wait for him to finish off all the enclave soldiers.
      • 1) Once the shooting stops, fast travel to Underworld to pick up Charon
      • 2) Ensure that you have good karma, then fast travel back to Raven Rock. Fawkes will run up, initiate dialog and offer to join you even if you already have a companion. Let him join. You might also want to verify that you can re-enter Raven Rock if you want.
      • 3) Get bad karma, use the fire/re-hire glitch to get Clover
      • 4) Get neutral karma, use the fire/re-hire glitch to get Sergeant_RL-3
      • 5) Get good karma, find Star Paladin Cross use the "I don't suppose I can stop you" line to make her request to join, then accept. Note: If you ask her to join, you will get the "only 1 follower allowed" message and she will not join.
      • 6) Get Dogmeat
    • You now have 6 companions. If you want to, you can kill Dogmeat and use his slot to get another companion.
  • A bug has been encountered (which may have been caused either by using the above method of recruiting multiple companions or by convincing Eden to "put an end" to the Enclave, then using his self-destruct code anyway) whereby Raven Rock never explodes. The Enclave soldiers outside still flee and the vertibirds still fly off, but there is no explosion and the metal door stays intact (meaning Raven Rock is always accessible up to Eden's console). Although Three Dog reports that Raven Rock has exploded and that the Enclave Radio station is now completely off-air (as to some NPCs, such as the residents of Rivet City when talking to each other), the Enclave Radio is still actually transmitting, although on a very short loop (mine continually said "...stand now at the precipice... stand now at the precipice... stand now at the precipice...". Upon venturing back inside Raven Rock, when attempting to engage Eden in conversation, the darkened part of the display which usually shows the text of what NPCs say will still appear, although Eden says nothing and no words will appear. (discovered on PS3) (confirmed on PC)

All glitches belong here. Thanks.--Kingclyde 07:29, 4 June 2009 (UTC)

I had this Enclave radio bug happen even though I offered to take the FEV and let Eden live. Killchain 12:35, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Behind the scenes: Raven Rock is nowhere near McLean, VA[]

I don't think it's correct to say that Raven Rock is meant to have anything to do with McLean, as suggested in the "Behind the Scenes" section of this article. McClean is on an axis between Arlington and Springvale (apparently a real place in Fairfax County VA) - and it would actually be SOUTH of Megaton, not way up to the northwest. Following and comparing the bends of the Potomac River on the Fallout map and in real life, there's a place called Furnace Mountain about where Raven Rock would be located. So even though it's cool, you should delete the McLean reference. ~~~~

Losing Your Followers![]

When i came out of raven rock i realized that i no longer had Jericho following me, can i get him back?

They should come back to you once you get to the citadel.

Pick up the energy Bobblehead even if you destroyed Raven rock previously[]

Yeah it's possible (or at least on a PC it is)

First I tried using player.additem cheat, but that doesn't work for you will not be able to put it on the collectors stand, but luckely there is another way that will work.

Just type in the console "coc RavenRock02" (w/o quotes) and you'll immediately spawn in section 2B of the Raven Rock. From there you need to go to the Colonel's office and there it is, your Energy weapons bobblehead.

Now all you need to do is to get out of Raven Rock. Once again bring up the console and type in some other location, for example "coc MegatonClinic" which will spawn you inside the Megaton Clinic of course.

So good luck playing!

-- 14:36, 21 July 2009 (UTC) Irfan K.

You like to do it the hard way :-) Just type player.placeatme 0003892F 1 (NOT player.additem) , and you don't need to return to Raven RockCroquignol 23:30, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

A/B Switch[]

When you exit your jail cell, open the door to the room. Directly across from you will be a panel on the wall with an A and B on it and three lights/buttons under it. Now turn right and follow the hallway. A little after cell 5 on your left will be another one of these pannels. If you look at just the right spot, you can "talk" to it, although it has no dialog.


I've always blown up raven rock on all my playthroughs. I've noticed that on my way out the archives blow up and are inaccessable, are they anyway and whats in them if not? Bio Enhancment 411 22:28, April 12, 2010 (UTC)

I just investigated this on PC by playing through both a blowing-up path and a non-blowing-up one, and it looks like the room is scripted to appear to blow up as part of the firefight between the Enclave troopers and Eden's sentry bots rather than as part of the base destruction. I used console commands to bypass the door and found a completely empty room inside, save for the body of an Enclave trooper with regular loot (Enclave power armor and a common energy weapon with ammo). --HunterZ 22:00, April 16, 2011 (UTC)

Level 3 - Utinsels[]

Did anybody else notice that if you go into the sub-floor of the mess hall there are a number of knives, forks, and spoons scattered around? Though the metal grating that makes the floor of the mess is solid (in a game-engine sense), you can see the obvious result of dropping your cutlery over such a floor. Just a little comedic plug by the developers, I'm sure, but it made me chuckle nonetheless.

I saw those too. I thought that it was intended to be how they put the utensils away and the enclave staff in the kitchen go under the mess hall and pick them up.

After Broken Steel[]

In Broken Steel it mentions Liberty Prime destroyed Raven Rock(if you did not blow it up yourself) So how did that happen? As strong as Liberty Prime is, it's hard to see how he could destroy the whole place if it's dug into the side of the mountains. Also, it survived a nuclear attack, so did his lasers just pennatrate the door and the Brotherhood just ran and killed everyone inside?

NAH! They didn't need Liberty Prime! They shot the door with a 10mm pistol and it flew off!

Actually it is possible to blow the door off when first encountering it early in the game (before any word of raven rock is known) with the mothership zeta weapon the disintigrator i think you can do it with a energy weapon but you can't access raven rock it self just the front door.

Liberty Prime is armed with lasers that pierced indestructible forcefields, and nukes half the size of the megaton one. I doubt it took Liberty Prime a day to destroy Raven Rock Vault-BA 11:27, July 30, 2010 (UTC)

there is no possible way liberty prime could destroy the bunker his nukes are a thousand times smaller than the ones needed to destroy the bunker

liberty prime just walked into the force field to short circut them he didnt destroy them so i say it was a bad choice by the developers to do thatAdmiralmorris 15:36, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe he just interfaced with the ZAX mainframe that is President Eden, and initiated the self-destruct sequence? At any rate it doesn't say how he did it, just that he did, and he's tall enough that he can see the vertibird elevator from the top. Maybe he threw a mini nuke in there when a Vertibird came out? Kris (talk) 16:05, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Raven Rock was emptied of all its human inhabitants when Autumn made a run for it to AAFB. This would have left Raven Rock severely weakened and easy prey for BOS and LP.

Reference to Elder Scrolls?[]

Raven Rock could also be a reference to Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion. In itm, there's a town named Raven Rock. Also, in Oblivion, one of the characters mentions working at Raven Rock. Coincidence? I think not.FreindO1 05:32, June 1, 2010 (UTC)

It's a coincidence. Look up Raven Rock on Wikipedia. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 06:31, June 1, 2010 (UTC)
More likely that the Morrowind town is a reference to the real-life location of Raven Rock, even if that's just where they came up with the name, considering that it's the same general vicinity as Bethesda Game Studios. Kris (talk) 16:44, July 30, 2010 (UTC)

Raven Rock PC Crash[]

I am getting a constant freeze while trying to escape Raven Rock. I tried reinstalling the game to a different directory, disabling all my mods, disabling Games for Windows - Live and even turning the graphics settings all the way down, but it just keeps freezing. The freeze itself is random, as sometimes as soon as i load the save, its instantly frozen, or sometimes i can walk run around for up to 30-60 seconds before it freezes. Does anyone have any knowledge on a freeze of this kind?


Raven Rock has no toilets....hmmmm


They probably think, "screw toilets, we take a piss outside. Or in our cups. We don't use 'the cups for the reason' you would think." 14:30, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Them newfangled Enclave Technology has built-in waste eliminators for your convenience! --DaedalusMachina 10:58, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Eden's Office[]

How is it that Colonel Autumn and the Lone Wanderer are the only humans to ever have entered Eden's office? It is the only way into the labs/quarters section of the base?!!! Poor design by the developers? —Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

In all video games, what you see is not the entirety of what is presumably there. This is counter-intuitive for today's modern realistic video games, but it's true nonetheless. --Kris mailbox 16:57, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

True, but....[]

True, but there are no locked doors (before Eden's office) or "possibility" of alternative routes....so poor design on the developers part.

weapon loss[]

after i get captured by the enclave and go to raven rock some of my items disappear in the locker any way to combat this?

Flying Rocks

If you destroyed Raven Rock, and have the broken steel addon, if you return there, flaming rocks from the explosion will be stuck in the air like a snapshot of it being blown up. (Xbox360 version).

If you shoot them, it does nothing, and standing on one, it just glitches to you standing in it and being on fire, but not burning you(in third person view)

Star Paladin Cross bug[]

Hey guys, just playing this game again and took a look at the page for Raven Rock, and in the bugs sections it mentions: "If Star Paladin Cross is your companion when you are captured, she will return to the Citadel, but there will be no notification of it. When spoken to, and asked to follow you again, she will agree but she will not follow you.needs verification"

I can confirm this has happened to me in the past, so shall we class it as verified? or does someone else want to check?

--Ntpspe 11:58, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

i did the 6 companions glich and it didnt work after i got charon and went to raven rock and fawkes didnt appear ````

Nathaniel after the explosion[]

Nathan appears here even after the explosion of the Megaton or is it a bug?--ExplorerSmaily (talk) 17:38, May 25, 2018 (UTC)

  • I'd say it's a bug. I blow up Megaton in almost every playthrough and have never seen him there. However, if you disarm the bomb, Nathan does show up at Raven Rock as a captive. StormRider71 (talk) 21:01, May 25, 2018 (UTC)