Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Night vision[]

There was some contention as to whether or not this weapon has night vision. Please use this space to confirm/deny it. Sheltim 20:04, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Well, it's not like it makes everything look like the old neon-green sort of thing, though the edges are a little lighter (like all scopes in the game). However, it pretty much shouldn't be night vision, if you just look at the model. The scope eyepiece should be a screen with a flat glass cover, not a lens, and would have a better light-blocking end, like rubber rather than metal. Also, it wouldn't make much sense in the Fallout time-line, as they don't have very good screens for even computers, so the image would be very low-resolution, and barely useful. Heavily denied, and being removed from the article. Nathan Hale 21:49, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Then again, it could just be a platform bug, and it has been said that the night-vision scope for the regular rifle works at least on the PC, so I'll hold off for now. Nathan Hale 22:04, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

it clearly does have night vision

Please sign your posts, and add something more to explain, such as what platform you're on. Nathan Hale 22:13, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Technically the rifle does amplify light, thus it is in fact night vision. Just a very, very primative form of it. It's NV is very clear in caves compared to other conventional in game scopes. User:Terroristteddy

From my encounters on the internet trying to find the cause, it seems to be consisted with ps3 consoles on this bug. It simply does not activate making no change from the day time. Not only with the Rat slayer, but also the Varmint Night Scope mod as well. Are there any other low light optic enhancers in the game? I heard the Ranger Combat Helmet also improve night quality, and if that is the case it also has no change from the day time for me. This is possibly a far grander bug on optics quality for the ps3 than just the night scope. (Platform Ps3: Black Op, December 3, 2010.)

PS3 Scope Fix[]

"Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 When looking through the scope, the screen would be seen green and pink, making it impossible to scope. this may happen on any scoped weapon (including binoculars) so to fix this just save the game, shut down your ps3 then restart the game and the problem should be fixed"

Seriously? I'd have to shut my PS3 down to fix this? Why isn't quitting the game enough to fix this? I call bullshit. -Malus X 18:30, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

Companion Use?[]

Does anyone know if a humanoid companion will use this gun over their default weapon? It seems too low powered, but I really want to give a companion something silenced. --Ghostdigga 06:10, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

Try it with Cass, her starting Caravan shotgun is pretty weak. I think Veronica has a 10mm pistol. I'm not sure if either will work but you could try. Otherwise I suppose you could use the Casino glitch to deprive a companion of a weapon.Rhomb 04:10, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

So far Cass will equip it, but only with hollow point ammo so far, She will not equip with .223, AP, and standard 5.56, I'd like to try surplus ammo but I haven't found any to buy just yet. I've yet to test it, but it is possible that Veronica will also equip it, perhaps with a greater variety of ammunition. However it seems that Cass' skillset would be more appropriate for the weapon. I've also yet to test if it functions as it should in the hands of an NPC. Rhomb 10:42, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Shoot, no dice, she re-equips the shotgun upon entering combat. Might be due to most enemies having armor.Rhomb 10:51, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, it took me a bit but I figured it out. The Ratslayer is essentially no go for companions, since they all have weapons with a higher DPS, you can give them hollow point ammo, but even Cass will not consistently equip the weapon. The .22 Silenced SMG on the other hand should have a DPS higher than most companions' weapons. Cass will equip it consistently and it will function as a silenced weapon should.Rhomb 11:32, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, those would be the two companions to try to give it to. Personally, I find that Lily (the super mutant companion) is preferable for sneaking, because she has a silenced Assault Carbine (which you cannot put on your own Assault Carbine unfortunately. You can however [via the casino glitch {may be patched}] take the weapon from her) with "Magical Companion Ammo (doesn't run out) However, it's difficult to get to Lily early on in the game, if only because of CAZADORS!!! ZzirBooty 00:06, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

Ratslayer retains 5x crit[]

So I just got New Vegas in January and I've read about the patch history and how they nerfed the Sniper Rifle and Gobi Rifles 5x crit. Is there any reason the Ratslayer kept 5x crit? I love Obsidian's consistency, the way they balance things amuses me. How is always critting OP at high level but not at low level? T0xiN 00:29, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

It didn't need to be changed because Ratslayer didn't have the ability to do 375 or 360 damage (Sniper Rifle and Gobi Campaign, respectively) headshots in combat (with better criticals and JSP Handloads, Double those numbers for a sneak attack). The most Ratslayer can do is 115 damage with an in combat crit headshot. Hell, even after the patch the Sniper Rifle and Gobi Campaign does 126 and 120 damage with only JSP ammo and a headshot (crits increase the damage even more). --Firehwk 00:57, January 31, 2011 (UTC)

Rat Tally[]

I just stared at the stock for like 2 minutes straight confirming the tally is 70. Am I stupid? Every tally has a tick through it I'm pretty sure it's 70... I will edit the main page unless someone disagrees. T0xiN 00:32, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

It is definitely 69, all the other groups of 5 marks have a slash from bottom left to top right for the 5th mark, the last set does not have a similar slash, so it is only a group of 4. --Firehwk 00:05, January 31, 2011 (UTC)

this gun rocks![]

i can only recommend this gun, it's easy to maintain, it's silent and its deadly, even on very hard you can 1-hit kill most human enemys with a headshot. if you need a marker for the cave it is found in just do the Debt Collector quest for the atomic wrangler and let lady jane tell you about her caravan. --Ra1n 17:54, January 31, 2011 (UTC)
