Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

hollow rock[]

there is a hollow rock in the box canyon south of RS Eagle. minor loot.  Dr. F  (Talk) Home 04:10, May 21, 2011 (UTC)

Unreachable map marker?[]

If you head due south from the ranger station, once you get near the rock face an undiscovered map marker appears to the E/ENE. You can move around a bit and it'll still show on the compass, but if you move into the canyon towards it it'll disappear, likewise if you head N or SE to circle around.

I've checked the maps present for nearby locations and I can't see any undiscovered locations nearby (I've discovered everything AFAICT on the Zion map). I had a similar experience when trying to find Red Gate, where the marker would pop in and out. Has anyone else seen this occur? I've taken screenshots for verification if anyone would like to have a look. --Hayst81 21:01, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
