Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I feel this page is inaccurate. I'm staring at a screen that says it's 6750 to upgrade a Radio Station (size of two) with a refund for destroying it of 450. I'm not quite sure what level it is.

The page was odd in that there were three upgrade lines but you can only upgrade it twice. Perhaps the costs changed with the Android release? Regardless I have corrected the table to reflect the current costs. 04:10, August 19, 2015 (UTC)

It could be the update as far as I know. ------Cassie Ultimate Anime Loving Weeaboo. 04:14, August 19, 2015 (UTC)
I have patrolled your edit accordingly. Thanks for the help. Enclavesymbol 04:12, August 19, 2015 (UTC)

Multiple rooms[]

Does anyone know if adding additional rooms gives any bonus to the chances of atracting new dwellers? As far as I can tell, it may be more benificial to have only 1 room since adding them seems to only allow more dwellers to be assigned, which also means you need more to run it efficiently as I noticed when I added a third room, the broadcast time went from 1hr 19min, to over 2hrs (only had 3 dwellers running it, 2 of which have max CH). AtrociousAK47 (talk)

I just built one radio room, assigned 2 dwellers each with 10 charm to it = 59m to recruit someone. I then built a double, assigned 2 dwellers with 10 charm to it = 1h59m. Assigned 4 dwellers each with 10 charm = 59m. It would appear that having a single room radio station is by far the most efficient. I have never recruited more than one wastelander at a time while running a single 3 room radio station. But multiple single room stations will allow you to recruit multiple people in the same timeframe. Jedakiah (talk) 18:06, September 7, 2016 (UTC)
Yes, 3 rooms have more chance of attracting dwellers. The timer time is randomly generated, it can be 2 hours, it can be 15 mins. At the end of the time, your chance of attracting the dweller comes in. There is a percentage the dweller will be attracted, and the percentage is higher with 3 rooms.Lazyscholar (talk) 23:59, May 15, 2017 (UTC)

Influence on Happiness[]

I had a single room lvl 3 broadcast center. Happiness of my vault was then mostly between 80-85%. I recently upgraded to a triple lvl 3 broadcast center. Happiness went up to 97%, with most dwellers at 100%. Size does matter.

Lvl does not matter. I had a single room lvl 1 radio and 87% of happiness. I upgraded the radio to 3 lvl with the same employees. Still 87% of happiness. Фереште (talk) 21:53, 26 July 2024 (UTC)

Cite patch[]

I have been unable to find the patch that added the broadcast toggle. The room didn't have the toggle in the past, and now it does, but I cannot find any reference to it in any of the official patch notes as far back as 1.4, which I am quite certain is older than the toggle. Apparently Bethesda snuck it in at some point without mentioning it. I tried Googling some sort of mention of the toggle, but could not find anyone talking about it other than this wiki.
◄► Tephra ◄► 06:24, March 19, 2017 (UTC)

It's a tough one. I think we can reword it and use this talk page as the reference to demonstrate it has been researched and is indeterminable. Short of getting hold of the legacy builds and checking them all manually to find where it was implimentated. Other than that i don't think there is anything else we can do Sakaratte (talk) 16:11, March 19, 2017 (UTC)

rare dwellers[]

Anything about attrackting rare dwellers? Does Luck Matter? One could as well mention, that dwellers in this room don't gain exp

Ability Improvement[]

Although the room is affected by charisma, it doesn't improve the stat or level dwellers. Considering how integral radio stations and their broadcasters are in the regular Fallout franchise, it's really surprising to see the dwellers assigned to the room just stagnate in leveling compared to the rest of the population :\ 10:05, June 12, 2017 (UTC)
