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Fallout Wiki

Skill requirements[]

Has anyone considered the skill requirements for this Perk in FO3 is a bug? There are no explosive weapons that cause fire damage, AFAIK.

Yeah, where's my molotov cocktails? :) -- 15:49, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
I think the nuka-grenade causes burning, I'm not sure if this applies to it though.-Accountless Avenger

[Fallout 3] This perk is useful for the pyro in everyone, but it applies to to few weapons to be useful. It should be noted that in addition to the shishkabob and flamer it also applies to the alien rifle (Name of which escapes me at the moment (that would be the Firelance)) though this weapon and it's ammo is SUPER-ULTRA-DOUBLE-PLUS rare so that's not much to add to it.-Accountless Avenger

Agreed; there are no explosive weapons that cause fire damage that I know of, but explosives is the closest related thing. They wouldn't tag it with requirements LVL 10 and lockpick, would they ?

But remember, this + High quality Shishkebab + Ninja Perk + Finesse + +3% crit chance from Wilderness S guide + Better Criticals + 10 Strength + 100 Melee Weapons + 10 Luck = Mighty power. The 50% added damage is multiplied by critical hits. A shishkebaber using this perk would be epically powerful, even on VH.

The nuka granade engulfs everything within a very nice radius in an inferno(very cool looking in vats), including you :( But I would hope it would be effected by this perk as well. -Soulabyse

The pyromaniac perk doesn't have an effect on the nuka grenade sadly.. I've found it useful with the flamer though, its good for killing anything that uses melee attacks. Also i used the OA glitch so my flamer has unlimited CND and i have like 10,000 ammo for it so i can just spray it as much as i want :). This is definitly worth doing if you have the Operation Anchorage DLC.--Greig91 17:02, 20 March 2009 (UTC)

Guys. Check this. Looks like Pyomaniac might have another use!-- 18:58, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

Nuka Grenades[]

I removed Nuka Grenades from the list of items affected by Pyromaniac, since they are not actually affected by pyromaniac (based both on my experiences and on the listed in-game damage figures). Some Sort 07:59, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

perk is useless in vats[]

Everybody says firelance deals more damage than the alien blaster with this perk and that the shishkebab deals more damage than the mauler with this perk. This is completely untrue, maybe it's true in free-aim mode, I don't know, never used it, I only use VATS. I tested all 4 weapons, and the alien blaster ALWAYS deals more damage than the firelance; the mauler ALWAYS deals more damage than the shishkebab (provided you have auto-expert perk of course). I tested the weapons on all kinds of enemies, the firelance and the shishkebab are pathetic and this perk is completely useless for those who rely on vats only. WRFan 05:28, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

No Requirements In Table - FO: NV[]

There are no requirements listed for FO: New Vegas in the table (they're the same as FO:3 - Lvl 12 and 60 Explosives). I don't think I have the skill to modify the table to add it though. Can someone more experienced give it a shot? De stijl 15:01, October 29, 2010 (UTC)de stijl

The requirements are listed both for FO3 and NV, I don't see what is the problem? --Jonathan Strange 15:03, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Missed that.Sorry!De stijl 15:17, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Question about implementation[]

Does this only increase the Fire damage portion of a weapon, or also the basic damage of the weapon? For example, does the Shishkebab get it's base damage multiplied by 1.5 as well as it's Fire damage, or only the Fire damage? Swk3000 20:12, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Both.--Jonathan Strange 20:41, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Just to be clear: if the Anti-Material Rifle is used with .50MG Incendiary ammo, does this tack 50% on to the bullet damage? This could effectively make the .50 incendiary ammo the most damaging shot from a rifle.

I just tested 40mm Incendiary grenades, and it looks like Pyromaniac doesn't change either the fire damage or explosives damage. The builds were exactly the same, with the exception of Pyro. I used the Mercenary's Grenade Rifle. For 360 with patch I haven't checked the .50 cal.

Does Pyromaniac really affect all of those weapons in Fallout: New Vegas?[]

In GECK, the Pyromaniac perk references a Form List of PerkPyromaniacWeapons. While there are two other form lists (PerkPyromaniacAmmo and PerkPyromaniacWeaponsUsingAmmo), the Perk doesn't appear to reference those lists at all. The only weapons on the PerkPyromaniacWeapons Form List are:

There's no evidence that it works for any other weapon, at least in GECK. Hahnsoo 07:11, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

UPDATE: The script NVDLC03MQ00SCRIPT adds the following weapons to the Pyromaniac Perk form list:

 ; Pyromaniac (fire/heat based weapons)
 AddFormToFormList PerkPyromaniacWeapons NVDLC03WeapGlovesSterilizer;
 AddFormToFormList PerkPyromaniacWeapons NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFistHeat;
 AddFormToFormList PerkPyromaniacWeapons NVDLC03WeapSonicGunTarantula;

So not only is the Saturnite fist super-heated a Pyromaniac weapon, so is the Sterilizer glove and the Sonic emitter - tarantula!Hahnsoo 10:33, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Do you know if the Flare Gun added in Lonesome Road is affected by this perk? Gary 42 01:43, October 2, 2011 (UTC)

What about Cleansing Flame? --Gwyllgi 00:33, October 7, 2011 (UTC)
