Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

These seems to be the most uncommon grenades are there are very few of them on the whole wasteland. Wertoret 21:47, October 11, 2010 (UTC)

Powerarmor hazard?[]

Can they be used againts power armor? I mean do they stun them like that gun in New Vegas? There are some outcast basterds i want dead :D

broken grenades[]

i have broken pulse grenades as in their conditon is zero, i cant equip them and their value is zero, i think i found them in the nuka cola plant as i just noticed them now as im leaving i can also repair one of them using the other two grenades anyone else experienced a similar glitch? (Eddie the head 09:09, July 17, 2011 (UTC))

Same Problem[]

I had the same problem with the broken frag grenade. But it still went off when I put it in a raiders pocket. Fallout500 (talk) 20:07, July 10, 2012 (UTC)