Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Siding with Seagrave[]

I sided with Seagrave during the Council Seat quest, and now Bannon only offers useless crap like Brahmin-Skin Outfits or Wasteland Settler Outfits. I can't buy any of the pretty rare stuff he normally carries. Is this normal? It's been this way for a while now, so he has restocked plenty of times. It's rather annoying and it really should be mentioned on the various pages related to this quest if this is normal. Mehbah 00:42, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

What do you mean with rare outfits? There's just some Chinese jumpsuits and Merc outfits.

Easy Stealing in Rivet City Market[]

When in the Rivet City Market it is easy to get anything e.g. Guns from Flak and Shrapnels or chems and clothes by just picking up the item with Z (PC) and then taking it to under a set of stairs or where ever you are hidden and stealing it. You still get a karma loss but it means that what ever is on show is free.

2k+ caps at Potamac Attire?[]

I have often seen Bannon with 2k+ caps. (2145 seems to be the number he has often) especially after I haven't traded with him in a while
