Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Where is it stated that she is Officer Gomez's wife? She looks more like his daughter. --Talos11 02:21, January 30, 2011 (UTC)


So, curiousity here, when does Pepper say this...?

"Oh my God. Please, doctor. Please! I know you have stuff here. Drugs! You have to fix this! My God, I can't be pregnant…"

Is this during a flash forward seqeunce in the turotial or during the "Trouble on the Homefront?" - Labyethan

It is in the voices overheard during the transition screens in the character generation quest. Not all conversations are heard, perhaps it depends of the computer's loading speed. I never heard this or Moriarty's toast, or Allen mack's complaint about his pills, and several other ones--Croquignol (talk) 05:30, July 30, 2015 (UTC)
