Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

something kind of amusing was after he murdered keith whenever i talked to parker again before leaving he would unload some rounds into keiths dead body whenever i ended the conversation... it makes him look even more unstable than he already does, hehe.

on a sidenote, you should be able to turn the guy in. things like this and the NCR seeming to care little about anything except gaining more control really make me annoyed with how the game is basically designed for you to side with the NCR to be the good guy, but NCR is at best a shade of grey.

yes i know you dont have to, but there are like a couple dozen quests just to help the NCR and they almost always give positive karma... while going outside of the NCR there is only handful of quests for each faction. the game is designed to shove NCR down your throat unless you purposely want to be a bad guy.
