Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


There's a lot of mystique surrounding the Pariah Dog in Fallout 2. Some say defeating it will raise your luck. Well, my jinxed 7 luck character kept his jinxed stat and had his luck restored to 7 after defeating the Pariah dog that joined his party. Killing the pariah dog before it joined my party did nothing. I'm running the Unofficial Patch, which may or may not influence that. (Geldonyetich)

My luck didn't decrease, but it still joined me and I still got the Jinxed perk. After I killed it, my luck dropped to one, but I lost Jinxed. This ever happen to anyone else? ( 18:42, June 21, 2010 (UTC))

Dead dog's body haunting the Chosen One[]

Why on one mentioned this? This is the most awesome thing about this dog. Except the time when firethrowers explode in your arms.
