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Lift glitch[]

(360) I stand in the lift and press the switch to go down, then when get to the bottom, the door doesn't open but the switch doesn't activate to go back to the surface, forcing me to reload a manual save from earlier, since going into the shaft overwrites the autosave. Anyone else having this problem? --Pratstercs 19:10, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

Also happened when I pressed the lift itself (which the bug note on the main page says to do), but on the second try it worked. Random glitch --Pratstercs 19:12, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

(360) This BUG can be very annoying.

  • If you get stuck at the bottom of the lift and the cage gate does not open and the auto door stays shut and the up swtich will not work then you are STUCK.
  • Save before going down and revert to the save.
  • If this glitch repeats the problem, which is random, it can take many reloads before it clears. Confirmed over 8 times. Going away and returning later seems eventually to clear the glitch and allow another access.
  • Finally when the glitch clears and you do get back into the bunker the only sure way is to load up everything you need, waddle out to the lift door carrying perhaps over 1000lbs of gear, go back up the lift and stash all the excess weight in the toolbox at the top of the lift.The toolbox so far seems a save place.

--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 07:36, March 7, 2013 (UTC)

Potentials as a Base for the player[]

Inside the outpost there is a room up a set of stairs with a gun cabinet, a footlocker, and between the two is an unowned bed. I don't know if these containers are safe for storage, but if they are this would make an excellent base for the player. Provided, of course, you don't mind sharing with the remaining Outcasts (or are willing to kill them for the base). After all, your megaton house/Tenpenny apartment doesn't come with a pair of mark V turrets at the entrance. --Stedh 21:31, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

I waited four days after placing my test material in the containers... seems safe to me, ill report if I have any issues... Britton 18:55, 30 January 2009 (UTC)

I agree, this place is awesome for a base, but the elevator delay is kind of annoying, especially when it bugs and you have to re-enter. --OvaltinePirate 15:26, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

It's a cool place. I moved a the half naked corpse of Specialist Olin upstairs to my bedroom. She's now spread eagle on my bed (headless unfortunately) with a teddy bear between her legs. It is also listed on Fallout 3 player housing. V.A.T.S. addict 13:42, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

"She's now spread eagle on my bed (headless unfortunately) with a teddy bear between her legs." What are you 12? Does your mom know you’re playing a mature rated game? ReapTheChaos 15:18, February 16, 2010 (UTC)

I agree it is a great place to use as a base. I re-stocked the armory to make it look cool, and added alien crystals to the generator room. (Vault 815 04:23, September 27, 2009 (UTC))


When I was looting the Armory I went into sneak mode to open a footlocker and all of a sudden all the outcasts started shooting each other and became hostile. I don't know what I did, if it was me going into sneak mode or something, or maybe they thought they needed new leadership? But now they're all dead and it makes me sad :[

They always do that, but it possible to save the scribes.Vault 815 07:12, February 5, 2010 (UTC)

Is that not scripted to happen??Luke.C 11:02, February 20, 2010 (UTC)

it happened to me too but its good, i got loads of outcast power armor, scribe robes, gatling lasers etc from it Crazymembranes 19:11, June 9, 2010 (UTC) 20:11, june 9, 2010

PipBoy reference.[]

The article states that the Gary 23 clone has had his arm hacked off in an attempt to remove his PipBoy 3000. However the Gary clones of Vault 108 don’t wear PipBoys. This is an obviously incorrect assumption and should be removed from the page. (I understand that there is cut content eluding to this scenario but this was deleted from the final version of the game. Something shouldn’t be stated as fact based on cut content. It seems that only what’s in the actually game it should be used to form opinions as obviously the content was cut for a reason. Possibly the information could be moved to the notes section.)

Also the notes section states: To avoid having to enter the outpost again at all, loot the whole place. It does not matter if you have 500 pounds' weight or so, just go outside and store the stuff in the tool kit next to the elevator… Is this something that’s even noteworthy? Just about any location you go in has more loot than you can haul off in one trip. Storing loot in a container close to the entrance for easy retrieval later on is a tip that applies to just about any location. It actually seems a little to obvious to even mention. ReapTheChaos 00:45, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, most cut content here is canon, unless it contradicts the canon. Nitty Tok. 00:46, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Though I agree on your second point. I'm moving that to below here: -HughJackman 00:50, February 13, 2010 (UTC)To avoid having to enter the outpost again at all, loot the whole place. It does not matter if you have 500 pounds' weight or so, just go outside and store the stuff in the tool kit next to the elevator. You can fast travel from here and back here; get the rest and go back as many times as you like, or rather, have to. If you want to make things a little easier on yourself, go through and loot everything in the base before you start the simulation and fast travel it all back to your home; none of it counts as stealing. That's about 170 pounds of medical supplies, food, alcohol, weapons, ammo, and miscellaneous items in about five minutes with no negative repercussions.


Can someone get some HD shots of the exterior of the base and post a link on the talk here please? 04:59, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Possible Bug[]

I completed O:A, Looted the armory, left, and when I decided to come back out of boredom everyone inside is now dead and looted.... Can anyone confirm? This was on the PS3 Boone123 16:30, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

Game Crash on Lift (Xbox 360)[]

I have been unable to enter the outpost because whenever I attempt to, my game crashes in the loading screen. It only happens at this location and in the specific save I am playing in. I have tried at least 10 times to enter but it has crashed every single time. I have already completed a lot of quests and gotten a lot of gear, so I don't really want to revert to a save before the glitch happened. The only cause I can think of is the fact that Gary 23's corpse was on the lift the last time I exited. However, I doubt that this is the cause. Has anyone else had this problem? And can it be fixed?

--DarthNicky (talk) 01:00, May 15, 2016 (UTC)
