Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Anon Rant[]

My mistake I forgot this game was made by Bethesda. For a second I thought I had a real chance to convince Slag to let me join The Forge, how silly of me to think otherwise.

I keep trying to convince the loser Jake to kill the prisoner. He refuses and then the raiders attack me for no reason.
I even kill the prisoner myself and the raiders attack me.
I kill Jake, the raiders attack me.
So I took a mentat and convinced Jake to kill the prisoner. The raiders attack me.

How silly of me to think I could use real thinking and diplomacy in this game. I guess I am better off waiting for New Vegas 2. 12:11, December 16, 2015 (UTC)

You are correct, FO4 is more like FO3 in that most solutions are linear and usually involve battle. There are a few, very few, moral/diplomatic choices than there are with FONV but they are completely different games even if set in the same "universe". However, much as I enjoy playing FONV I have managed to break most if not all the quests because of the variable pathways each have. You almost need a playbook not to. If there is a FONV2 I only hope they fix that. In my mind choosing a path in one quest may affect the choices in a different quest, but should not break it. Starting, and maybe completing one quest should not affect your ability to start or complete a different quest. FONV, despite being fun to play, is extremely bugged that way. (Philbert) 00:14, December 28, 2015 (UTC)
Starting one quest should totally affect your ability to start a different quest. If you choose one option, other options are no longer available. That's realistic. You're playing a roleplaying game; if your character is nothing but a floating pair of arms holding a gun, you're going to have a harder time dealing than if your character is, y'know, a character.
As for Slag, yeah, I thought the same thing. I wouldn't be upset about it, normally, though. Not a huge deal. Just another band of raiders to murder.
The reason I have an issue with it in this particular situation is the dialogue leading up to the fight. "This one might actually be worth my time." "If [she] tries to leave, kill [her]." That sounds like the lead-up to a proposition, not a random, out-of-the-blue assault. I even reloaded and dismissed Nick so he wouldn't be pissed with me for joining them.
I don't think "It's Bethesda" explains this. Bethesda wrote the Dark Brotherhood storyline and the Daedric Quests in Skyrim. This feels more like cut content than anything. Which is much less forgivable, in my opinion? If you're going to cut something, don't leave hints lying around about what could have been; just cut it.
Snowskeeper---Till Hell Freezes Over. (talk) 23:48, December 29, 2015 (UTC)
You misunderstood me. I apologize for not being clearer. Absolutely, the actions during one quest having an affect on another quest, or even the ability to start one, is and should be a part of any roleplaying game. What I meant though was a "broken" quest where Quest 1 has no part of Quest 2, does not have anything to do with that faction or person, yet completing Quest 1 makes Quest 2 uncompletable because dialogs or triggers halfway through never occur - i.e. broken. For instance: Selecting Cass as a companion too early may break certain BoS quest lines as it can mess with some of Veronica's dialogs. Visiting Cottonwood Cove without having "Left My Heart" active can render it unattainable (you may or may not be able to start it later but you cannot complete it). Collecting the gun Ratslayer without having Lady Jane's "Debt Collector" active but then starting that quest later may cause the brahmin not to appear hanging that quest stage - despite the fact it should spawn only after that quest becomes active. Heartache by the Number, You Can Depend on Me, Birds of a Feather, and Tend to Your Business are all related via the Van Graff's and its possible to mess them up. And so on. Somewhere I have a full list and there are a bunch, mostly smaller side quests, but I'm not sure where it is atm. There is however a partial list of some of them at Fallout:_New_Vegas_bugs under "Quest-specific bugs" subheading. I hope though that makes my meaning clearer. (Philbert) 05:03, January 21, 2016 (UTC)

Slag Falling into the Furnace[]

For this bug:

"If Slag's body falls into the furnace you will be unable to complete this quest as you cannot collect the weapon to return it to Abraham."

I don't think it's platform specific and really, it's just common sense. I tried a few times but couldn't get slag to fall in. Since you can't drag the bodies of those in power armor, I threw in one of the other dead Forged members and sure enough, couldn't access them.

BeerBaronx (talk) 17:53, June 16, 2016 (UTC)
