Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Brotherhood numbers[]

The article says that 150 Brotherhood soldiers were at Helios One. Where does this number come from? -- 23:00, September 23, 2012 (UTC)

Considering that there are roughly 70 total members within Hidden Valley (accounting for those on patrols), and that it is mentioned that nearly half the chapter was lost, one can safely assume that the number is around 150. -- forgot signature

If you complete the game for Caesars Legion without destroying the Hidden Valley Bunker and instead kill all the BoS members inside you will hear a unique ending: "During the fight for Hoover Dam, the Brotherhood took HELIOS One, inflicting heavy damage on retreating NCR forces, but it was a pyrrhic victory. Once The Strip was secured, Caesar's forces overwhelmed and eventually routed the Brotherhood from HELIOS One and Hidden Valley" ... suggesting that there are many more than 70 members remaining of the Mojave Chapter of the BoS and the Hidden Valley bunker is much larger than the parts we have access to in the game. --user:Axxos 18:00, July 12, 201

I think the numbers are exagerated aswell. It is implied that only paladins fought the battle. There were maybe 50 paladins back then. Then some knights got promoted afterwards. 1000 soldiers in the mojave is a more reasonable number, considering that we see 250-300 of them before the battle of hoover dam.--Damx (talk) 21:38, December 21, 2016 (UTC)
