Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Where you find this out? Tezzla blah blah blah 16:30, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Jason Bergman talked about the Omerta in the GameSpot E3 video. Nitty Tok. 16:31, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Oh. I must have not heard him say it then. Tezzla blah blah blah 16:32, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Well, he actually said "Omertas", but they never talked about it again. Hmm. Nitty Tok. 19:00, June 18, 2010 (UTC)


I can't remember where I got this impression, but I thought that Omerta had been renamed to something that started with an S. I think it was in one of the shaky-cam vids from Cologne, but I can't remember which or what. -- 22:33, October 11, 2010 (UTC)

Faction ID[]

The main faction is 0010C6F8.

Omertas reputation problem[]

I think it should be worth mentioning that there doesn't appear to be any way to regain a positive status with the Omertas if you've committed acts of violence or stealing against them. They seem to become permanently hostile when they do become hostile and will shoot you on sight. This makes 'The How Little We Know' quest almost impossible to complete and consequently obtaining the Pimp-Boy 3billion is almost impossible. I say this because I killed a few this one time and now whenever I enter the Gomorrah they shoot me, thus, I cannot complete 'How Little We Know' which irks me because I want the Pimp-Boy 3 billion. Other than that you can still complete the other quests concerning the Omertas because most like the Mr.House assignment accept you massacarring them as a viable way of completing the quest.

-- I'll say this first-off, my solution will only work on PC (hope you're on that). I had this problem and the resetquest 1164bf and resetquest 10c721 command wasn't helping me. I did do setally 0001b2a4 0010c6f8 0 0. 0001b2a4 being the player and 0010c6f8 being the Omertas, and 0 0 meaning we're both friends (but not allies). I can now walk into Gomorrah without getting shot at and I don't gain infamy like others have reported. If this affects anything: I let enough time pass to let all the dead Omertas respawn, and I've 0 reputation with the Omertas, just the casing floor NPCs were hostile. -- Jake2034
