Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Anyone else crashing when trying to leave the think tank? 01:12, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

Anyone else having issues with the ending? Specifically when convicing your brain to join you, completing the Q and getting the ending as if you left your brain behind?

Having the Confirmed Bachelor perk, has a rather amusing dialogue option when retrieving your brain and trying to convince it to rejoin you.

Had a quick scan through this page and Dr Mobius' page but couldn't see anything on it. I passed repair speech check with Mobius, convinced my brain to reunite with me then confronted Mobius again and killed him then reasoned with Klein to finish the quest. Anyway...at the ending slides it treated Mobius as if he was still alive doing experiments. --Dragonguard666 16:21, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Robotic Experts pay off[]

In OWB Robotic Experts pay off big time, from start to finish. This giant scorpion? Activate the drone to distract it then move to its underbelly to deactivate it. use the glove to hit him for the unarmed damage/crit hits challenges. If it's reactivated, repeat the strategy, until it's explode. Easy peasy, even more than the usual fight with scorpion swarm, as disable them is pretty hard.Laclongquan (talk) 09:49, March 26, 2013 (UTC)

Wild Wasteland in Dialogue[]

I find it odd that no one has added this to the page... There's a Wild Wasteland moment during dialogue with Dr. Mobius when he talk about "Plan 9's". I'm pretty sure this is a 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' reference, but I could be wrong. Can anyone else verify this? Piffinatour (talk) 07:59, September 5, 2013 (UTC)


i dont know if its intended (to make it feel like mobius is always monitoring you) or some sort of bug.

but DAMN. its impossible to sneak in this mode. i always build stealth characters and by god, the only time i ever get to see [hidden] anymore is when i make sure all the living things within a ten mile radius is dead. seriously. sure, i can accept it if it was robots with a bajillion perception, but lobotomites?

this is getting frustrating. they even say going to Big MT at lvl 15 was acceptable, but i entered at 20 and im at about lvl 24 by now and im getting my ass handed to me by nightstalkers and roboscorpions.


It seems that you can't simply pick up the suit and return, you must complete the quest. Was hoping I didn't have to do this again, bad enough the first time. 02:44, July 11, 2016 (UTC)

Only the very first test needs to be completed. Joy :) 03:05, July 11, 2016 (UTC)