Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Ending Cutscene Not Displayed[]

Finished this quest, screen blacks out to play the cutscene, but nothing is displayed. Some people reported waiting fixes this, but I left my computer hanging there for 2 hours, and nothing happened. Anyone know how to trigger the cutscenes?

I just wanted to say that I have this problem as well for all 4 faction endings,and i can't press directly new game because the cutscene never loads.My solution was basically downloading save files with the ending already done,would love an actual solution though.(talk)

Achievement Icon[]

Is it just me or the achievement depiction of Father looks a bit like Dr. Light from Megaman? -- 13:57, December 27, 2015 (UTC)

He looks completely identical. I'm surprised no one else bothered to put this as a cultural ref. --Rylasasin (talk) 04:37, February 9, 2016 (UTC)

I can buy Experiment 18-A and I have not completed this quest.

which quest have you done? couldnt do it before talking to allie and waiting abit 2 in game days when i got the lab coat at the same time.
